First off. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I always end up looking like a fool. Time and time again I forgive you only to be knocked back down. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me… But I suppose when you're an overly forgiving person that likes to see the best in everyone it's really easier said than done.
I always have graduation goggles when it comes to the time we shared together. We spend time reminiscing on how things used to be and how great those high school years were. I’m still close to most of my old friends, but I forget that we're different than them. That some people change and others don't. Some people mature and others don't. And there's nothing wrong with that. We all live our lives on different timelines. There's days that I wish that I could speed up the process though. That the next time i texted you that it wouldn't be left unanswered. The next time we make plans they wouldn't fall flat. The next time I talk to you I feel loved and cherished the way that a friend is supposed to feel. But instead I realize that we're living very different lives. We have gone different directions.
I miss you but it’s more that I miss the memories that we shared. I miss the days we would waste watching Netflix. I miss late nights spent at Steak and Shake or dinner at El Toro. I miss deep conversations and a level of trust that kept us talking about life early into the morning. But overall I miss feeling loved by you. It never has been and never will be a fleeting feeling for me and to see it in that way is impossible in my eyes. It will always be hard for me to leave behind a friendship that was once so strong, but just know that I’m giving it my best effort for the both of us. I have no doubt that we will both find people that we can make completely new memories and relationships with that truly will last a lifetime.Best wishes always,
you're friend that's letting go