This is for the friend who would do anything for you, and you will not do it in return. The friend who will wake up early to help you, go out and get food with no questions asked, and would do anything for you, but when the time comes for you to reach out, you don't. For the friend who is constantly forgotten about and who always comes second. This is for you.
Those countless hours you spend worrying? Everything you did seems like it is for nothing. Those texts to hang out that only you send, but they never make the effort with you. The empty promises and the actions that speak louder than the words they ever said to you. When you complain, everyone tells you to let go, delete them off of Snapchat, get them out of your life. It is never that easy. When one is taken for granted, it is because they care so much that the friend assumes they'll always be there. No one understands how difficult it is just to let it all go and make new friends, but being second place is just not what you want.
Sitting at home on a Friday night because everyone made plans without you seems like a weekend routine. Or the "I'll let you know what we decide" trick, and they tell you too late and everyone is already having fun.
The best part is when they come to you with a problem, you still want to be there for them. It is not a switch that can just be turned off. You spent time building that relationship that just ended up being a one-way street.
Then from the sidelines, you see them replace you. You don't speak up, though, because you are already in a fragile spot with their friendship. You just watch as they make the effort with this new person, the effort they never made with you. You watch them spend every waking moment with them, and they no longer even want to hang out with you. You just sit there and hurt, wondering if they will ever notice or even care.
Those empty words they said to you float around. Those things they said they'd do for you and do the opposite. When they said they'd be your friend, but end up being friends with the person who hurt you.
Yep, taken for granted.
It is harder than anything to sit in silence about it, but it is not easy to bring up, because no one ever realizes they do it to someone. Letting the friendship go is hard, though. There is no closure, so many unsaid words and things wish said.
You just wish things were the same. You wish things hadn't shifted from the best friend phase to the phase where "oh, they'll be there when I am upset." You wish you knew why it all changed, even when they claim nothing did.