It is a fact of college. Not everyone finds where they are meant to be in their freshmen year. I count myself lucky to have found my happy place right off the bat but I know that for many freshmen year is difficult and awkward transition period. One of the very best friends I made in my freshmen year made the decision to transfer. They were accepted to their dream school, directly into their intended major, and gifted ample financial aid. It made sense if you thought about it with a clear head. Unfortunately, I did not. I felt deserted. I was mad. After several months, I have finally accepted the fact that this friend’s choice to transfer schools was ultimately in their best interest.
Dear Friend,
I am sorry I was mad. I am sorry I thought your decision to transfer was in any way, shape, or form a reflection of how much you valued our friendship. I was only so upset because I care so deeply about you and was devastated at the idea of having to do sophomore year without you. But I want you to know that it is okay. I value your happiness and now realize that you are where you are meant to be, studying subjects that excite you and surrounded by like-minded people.
I want you to tell me all about your experiences at your new university. You should not have to censor what you tell me for fear that it will hurt my feelings if I hear you are enjoying yourself. Please please please tell me about your new friends. I hope they kick ass and value you and your awesomeness as much as I do.
FaceTime is an amazing freaking invention. It allows me to see your lovely face bimonthly when our crazy busy schedules allow it. Although it is not the same as seeing you every day, I will take it in between in-person visits.
Yes. I do miss you like crazy but I am glad you are as happy as I am, now that you found where you are meant to be. However, that does not mean I will now love your school. When our football teams face off in a few weeks I will be rooting for your school to lose with every fiber of my being because they stole you from me and they suck.
You rock my friend and in the end, I am glad you made the decision that was best for you!
Sending you a hug from 500 miles away,
Drew from UW