The first semester of college is coming to an end so naturally I have been thinking about the things I have done, experiences I have had, and friends I have made. I realized a few things right off the bat...the semester wouldn't have been anything if I didn't make the friends I did. So this article is for them.
Dear Friends,
I came into this year completely open minded, open-minded to new people, places, and things. I did, however, have some expectations because I had fantasized about California and college for some time. I spent months wondering about you guys, about how we would meet, if we would meet at all, what kind of crap we would get into. Each and every one of you have exceeded my expectations. The wild nights out, the relaxing nights in, the laughs, the tears, everything had lead us up to this moment. We survived the first semester of college and we got to do it together, how special. We have all had our fair share of good days, bad days, and crazy nights. Each day has been and will be an adventure. No matter how long you are in my life (I hope for awhile) I am so appreciative of the time you've given me. You have made me feel so loved, accepted, and grateful. I might not tell you enough, but I love you guys. I can't imagine the memories that we still have yet to make. I want you all to know that no matter what I am here for you, until the very end. I have endless gratitude towards you guys for making two places feel like home.