Dear college Christians,
You will never be alone, don't let yourself think you are. There are more college Christians than you think there are. College is a little harder for us than for your average college student. I'm not talking about the classes, I'm talking about the college culture and what you are expected to be. You will be put to the test, the test to see if you will keep your morals or let them slide a little for four years.
You will be pressured to drink alcohol. Depending on your beliefs, this one can be different for some of us. Some believe you should have no alcohol at all, while others believe as long as you don't get drunk you are fine, while some also believe that getting drunk is not a sin. Don't do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Remember this is your life, not someone else's. You are not a dork or a weirdo if you don't drink because there are plenty of students who don't. Some do it for religious reasons and others just make the personal choice that has nothing to do with a religion.
You will be pressured to have sex. Finding a significant other who is OK with you saving yourself for marriage seems to be hard to find. You will be approached by other students about dating. It all seems great until all they seem to care about is "getting oral." Stand your ground and move along and find someone who has the same beliefs as you or will wait for you. Some Christians don't see anything wrong with pre-marital sex, so don't feel bad for your views on this topic if your beliefs are different than others.
You will find friends with similar beliefs. Many colleges have clubs specifically for religious students. These people won't be hard to find and will be your best friends and those you can always count on.
You will find your own ways to have fun and will have just as much fun, if not more than those running around drunk. You will definitely be safer and will remember your fun times so much better.
You will be able to join Greek life and keep your morals, also. Don't believe everything you watch or read about Greek life. You can be Greek without going out and partying, and it's OK if you do go out, if you feel comfortable doing so. You can join a Christian sorority or a normal sorority, and you will be OK. Pick one that you feel will embrace your faith and not try to push their ways on you.
You will have four years to find who you are. If you get off track, get back on. Your faith will always be there for you. It will help you get through the hard times and enjoy the good times even more.
Your fellow college Christian,