Dear classes that I should be taking in Fall 2017,
We all think that choosing our schedule for the next semester should be easy, right? Wrong. Since the classes go by seniority, and I'm just a little baby freshman, my schedule goes to total utter shit (sorry mom).
I like to plan ahead and figure out my schedule way in advance. We all get nervous that our classes won't be there the day we need to enroll, and we are usually correct. The classes probably won't be open the day you enroll. Jokes on you! I go to the advising appointments that usually don't help at all, I see what classes I need to take, I do it all buddy. However, the day I am allowed to enroll, just like most freshmen, my classes are all closed out. Sometimes, most of the time, ALL OF THE TIME, we need to take these classes in the fall for our major. I didn't choose the freshmen scheduling life, it unfortunately chose me.
So, all of your classes are closed out. Panic mode goes on. Everyone immediately starts blowing up their group chats trying to figure out what in the world to take. Half of the time while you're attempting to enroll, the website will crash and you'll have to type in your password for the 5th time today, maybe 12th. Wonderful. Fantastic. No better feeling, really. Hope you're sensing the sarcasm.
Next fall, when I have to choose my classes for spring 2018, you can bet I'll still be a stressed out sophomore. Maybe I'll get more of the classes I want, probably not. We can all hope that our classes will all be available and open when our enrollment day comes around, but keep wishing honey.
A girl who needs to take classes from her major, but can't