To the boy who has my heart,
I'm not a big fan of showing my feelings and for those who know me well, they know that I am very guarded and cautious when it comes to letting people in. Somehow, you've managed to sneak over the walls I put up, and I find it easy to talk to you about my flaws, my fears, and my dreams for the future. You are one the most important people in my life and because I feel like I don't do it enough, I want to take a moment to say 'thank you.'
Thank you for loving me and protecting me. You see me with all of my faults and imperfections, and yet the love that you have shown for me is unwavering. We may have our fair share of differences and disagreements, but I know that at the end of the day I can always count on you to be in my corner.
Thank you for being you. One of the bravest things you can do in a world that constantly tries to force you to stay within the lines of a single pre-categorized section of society is to just be yourself. You dare to cross those lines and refuse to be contained and limited by societies preconceived notions of who you are, how you should act, what clothes you should wear and who your friends should be based on superficial stereotypes. I am constantly amazed by your strong sense of self and "take me as I am" attitude towards the world.
Thank you for not being afraid to tell me I'm wrong. You never hesitate to call me out when my arguments make no sense or I'm being a totally unreasonable brat. Although I don't like being called out on my ridiculousness, I know that I need it. You remind me that often times my way of doing things isn't the only way, and on very rare occasions my way may not even necessarily be the best way. You help keep my already big head from getting so big that it needs its own zip code.
Thank you for being a light. You have the power to illuminate even the darkest of rooms with your smile and your naturally witty sense of humor. I love that weird little screech you call a laugh. Your kindhearted spirit and playful personality are infectious. You remind me not to take life so seriously all the time, and that sometimes it's okay to act your shoe size rather than your age. Even on the worst of days, somehow you are able to make me smile and laugh. Your heart is big and full of compassion, making it easy for people to feel comfortable and safe around you. It's no wonder you make friends so easily everywhere you go.
Most importantly, thank you for being one of the best little brothers a girl could ask for. Although if often feels like you are constantly coming up with new ways to drive me crazy on a daily basis, I wouldn't trade you for the world. I love our late night chats at 2 am when we talk about literally anything and everything. I love the way that you trust me enough to tell me about what's going on in your life, and that you truly seem to value my opinion. I love it when we're driving in the car with the windows down blasting our favorite song. Lastly, I absolutely love the shenanigans that always ensue whenever we are together. "The greatest gift our parents ever gave us was each other."
(n.) a combination of best friend and a pain in the neck. They might be the most annoying people around you, but you still love them endlessly.
I love you more than you could ever imagine.
~ Maya (a.k.a "chicken nugget")