A Letter To My High School Teachers | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To My High School Teachers

Thank you for teaching beyond the textbooks.

A Letter To My High School Teachers
Village Automotive

High school: what an unforgettable four years. Freshman year was a time of transition. Sophomore year was a time of transformation. Junior year was a time of resilience. And finally, senior year was a time of reflection. Throughout each stage of my teenage years, I owe so much to my high school teachers. They were there to guide, mentor and teach me every step of the way.

During my freshman year, I was a little fish in a big pond. I was unsure of how to dress, how to act and how to balance the stress that managing a jam-packed schedule created. I remember being lost on the first day of school, mortified of walking into the wrong class or even worse: into a room filled with upperclassmen. However, my favorite freshman year teacher helped me find my way and reminded all her students that it was simply part of the transition into high school. We were bound to feel overwhelmed and lost at times, which was actually quite normal. There were moments when I wished that I was back in eighth grade, where I was at the top of the totem poll and gliding through middle school. However, my teacher taught me to embrace this time of transition and look forward to all that high school had in store.

Sophomore year was when I really found myself. Now that I was officially adjusted to high school life and the burden of being stereotyped as a freshman was removed from my shoulders, I focused on me. I became aware of my study habits, my academic skills and weaknesses, and the way I wanted people to perceive me. In order to do so, I learned a great deal about happiness from my algebra teacher. Her contagious smile and pleasant spirit made all of her students gravitate towards her. She embraced the little things in life and was living proof that when you find what brings you true joy, it brings out the real you. She taught us that finding something good in each day was a step towards a happy life. As a fantastic role model and mentor, she guided me along my journey of figuring out who I am. Because of her, I was able to find myself and strived to be the good in other peoples' day.

The most important thing I took away from junior year was resilience. Through the most tragic circumstances a school community could encounter, I saw what it truly means to be strong. The teacher that influenced me greatly during this time was one who possessed both strength and compassion. He taught me that it is okay to allow people to see you hurt. He taught me that life will work in ways that we don't always understand. But most importantly, he taught us to be strong enough to uplift others in our community. I was able to learn that there is strength in togetherness and appreciating your community.

As bittersweet as it was, senior year was essentially a time of reflection. Day after day, I reminisced on memories from the past four years with my friends, peers and teachers. I looked at where I came from as a young, scared freshman and compared it with the brave, independent girl I was on my last day of high school. The mentor who most prominently influenced this year had watched me grow from a freshman into a senior from an observatory standpoint. I am grateful for the long conversations that we shared talking about the legacy I strived to leave behind and where I was headed next year. He taught me to value each experience I had with the teachers I was privileged to learn from, which I still find deeply inspiring. He taught me the importance of reflecting on where I came from to gain clarity about where I was going.

I can truly and honestly say that my high school experience would not nearly be as amazing as it was without them as a part of it. It was definitely an emotional rollercoaster, but I am blessed to have learned about myself and others through it all. My wonderful high school teachers have taught me well beyond what the curriculum entails, and for that I will always be grateful.

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