Dear Dad,
I write this to you as your daughter, in hopes that anyone with a father as great as you can agree with where I am coming from. I write to you because out of every person who has helped me thus far in my life, you have received the least amount of credit and praise for all the things you do. Thank you for being the man that I will always look up too.
Yes you get cranky and sometimes lack in the patient department, but then again don’t we all at times? I am beyond grateful for all the important life lessons from you, and there is no other teacher I would rather have. You have taught me determination, that if you set your mind to something you can do it, whether that be acing a test or building a pool you have shown me that it is all possible. You have shown me courage and dependability like no other. Lastly, you have shown me how a man should treat a woman, you are kind and compassionate, and are willing to always put family before self, and there is nothing I could ever do to thank you for that.
I will forever cherish the dreadful runs we go on together even though I do a lot of complaining while they are happening, there is no one else I would rather run with. Mulching the yard and fixing the pool, two tasks that don’t interest me much but doing them with you makes them more bearable. Endless trips to the feed or pool store will always be remembered as quality time spent together. I will always remember every time you selflessly did what I wanted, and never asked for anything in return.
Every little girl grows up admiring her dad, but I've never stopped. I know there's no such thing as a perfect dad, but let me tell you, you come pretty close.
Happy Father’s Day Dad!
Love Always,
Your little girl