To my dog,
Thank you for always being in a good mood. For reminding me to walk you. For never talking back when you get scolded. For replacing the picture of me and my sisters as the wallpaper on Mom’s phone. For snuggling with me on the couch at night even though you take up most of the blankets. For always checking to see who is at the door and [barking at] welcoming them. For letting me know when you are hungry (even if it’s not your dinner time). For being the first one to greet me when I come home.
Thank you for every time you have found your way into my room in the early morning hours and begged me to wake up and play. For forcing me not to leave socks on the floor if I ever want to have a pair with no holes (or even just a matching pair, at that) again. For dutifully letting us know whenever a car drives by or the mailman delivers a package. For bringing me a toy to throw even if you never actually let go for me to do so. For cleaning the floor of food without any hesitation. For always, always being happy to see me.
Thank you for not picking favorites (even though Dad totally is your favorite person). For always wanting to go for a ride in the car. For making every person that comes through the door feel like you’ve been waiting to see them forever. For showing me that the cure for almost anything is a treat and that sometimes you just have to nap the day away. Thank you for showing me that it is possible to live simply and still be the happiest you can be.
And most of all, for loving me unconditionally.