Despite going through 12 years of small-town, public school education, there’s still so much I wish I knew. So many things I wish I didn’t have to learn firsthand or witness a friend experience. So here’s a letter of things I wish someone told me or the people around me.
Dear 16-Year-Old Me,
First of all, I just wanna take the moment to let you know that despite what you think is going on at the current moment, it will work itself out. Everything will be OK. You will be OK. You don’t need to be involved in everything you get your hands on because that is going to be physically and mentally draining and dangerous.
Stop searching for your worth in others. You don’t need someone else to complete you. Whether that person is a friend or a significant other, their love for you can never be enough if you don’t love and appreciate yourself first. That empty feeling in your chest? It cannot be filled by someone else, or any substance for that matter. You might think it’s just a one-time thing, but trust me, there will be a second, and a third time. And with each time, it will be harder and harder to say no to the point where you’ll lose who you are. Don’t lose who you are.
With that being said, one-sided relationships are not OK either. If you are putting all of your time and effort into someone and there is no return, do they really deserve you? I don’t care how much you think you love this person; if they are not treating you with the respect you deserve you have every right to walk away. Do not let people take advantage of you. I’ve seen the light go out of too many people because they were willing to just let everyone walk all over them. You are enough. Actually, you are more than enough and should not have to sacrifice any of yourself to live up to some expectation someone else has of you. And if that means you’ll be alone sometimes, so be it. It’s okay to be alone sometimes.
It’s OK to feel and tell people about your feelings. Your emotions are valid and belong to you. So if someone else tells you that you have no right to feel that way based on someone else’s circumstances, you do not need that negativity in your life. And please, please take care of yourself. If you think you need help, (physically, emotionally, mentally), get help! I cannot stress this enough. Your personal well-being is more important than any GPA. So get some sleep, take a walk, drink some water. Your work will still be there, but a perfect GPA isn’t worth it if you've destroyed yourself in the process.
And as cliche as this part will sound, follow your dreams. I’m so sick of looking around and seeing people who don’t study or work in their field of choice because they were told it was impossible and they wouldn’t be successful. If it makes you happy, it will always be worth it. There will always be a way made for you to provide for yourself. The same people who are telling you that you can’t go to art or film school grew up in a different era with a different economy. Everything is fair game and you deserve everything you’ve worked so hard for.
Hang in there kid; I know it will be worth it.
Not only does your situation get better, but so do you.
You matter.
Love, Your Future Self.