If you are anything like me, you tend to compare yourself to other people a lot of the time. It's not fun and can put a real damper in your confidence. I personally compare myself to people in a variety of ways. Comparing yourself to other people can also lead to jealousy, like it sometimes does for me and jealousy is not a good feeling.
I tend to compare myself to my siblings a lot. My sister is such an amazing dancer and she is absolutely brilliant at tap dancing specifically. I remember getting jealous and feeling like I wasn't good enough at dance when she got her toe rise before me. She is also a genius in school and is in the top 30 in her graduating class. She is also hardworking and is very nice person. My brother is also very hardworking, is very caring to everyone and a fabulous runner. In his freshman year of high school alone, he has been very close to setting records at school and also has won a bunch of medals. He is so fast that his times are comparable with many of the seniors from a variety of schools. I am not athletic at all like my brother and I probably won't get into the solos that my sister has earned.
I also sometimes compare my features to other people such as looking at other people and thinking that I am not as skinny as they are or wondering why I can't be as pretty as them. Sometimes it even goes as far as how my friends have boyfriends or have even HAD boyfriends and I don't have one nor have I ever had one. Like I mentioned before, I sometimes also compare my dance skills to other people such as being in a lower level as people my own age or even the awards I have won compared to awards other people have won, or even not being able to do certain tricks that other people can do.
My anxiety plays a role in this. I look at other people a lot of the time and see how easy it is for them to interact with others; whether it be with strangers or with friends. I just get nervous talking to anyone in general. My anxiety also prevents me from going out of the way for other people which sometimes makes me feel like I am not a nice or caring person.
When you are a jealous or self-conscious person, you have to learn how to be confident and proud. I have learned that you have to stop comparing yourself to other people because as cliche as this sounds, everyone is different and we are all special in our own ways. You never know who is jealous of what you have! Even if you don't realize it, you have special talents and qualities that are awesome and great. I am lucky that I have parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, dance teachers, and friends who are always there to cheer me on and who are always proud of my accomplishments!