Dear Old Friend,
I find myself thinking about you a lot some days. I miss being able to text you and tell you about the newest things in my life. I miss hanging out with you and laughing until we had tears streaming down our faces and our tummies hurt. I miss the countless amounts of food we would eat while watching our favorite shows. I miss having you as my go-to person, but unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end at some point.
Some of my favorite memories are with you; and while those memories will never leave my heart, our friendship had to go. You became toxic for me to be around. And even though I wish I could forgive everything that has happened, I can't. There are a few things I want you to know, though.
I'm always going to be here for you
No matter what happened between us, you can always find solace in me. Feel free to come to me with anything ever, and I will be there to the best of my ability.
You're going to go far in life
I can't wait for you to figure everything out and begin the journey that you've always dreamed about. I know there are a few things holding you back, so I pray that you can work through them and start succeeding in what you want to succeed in!
I wish you good health
Like I said in my last point, you have things you want to figure out before you start pursuing your dreams, and I can only hope that you are able to get all of the answers you are needing to be healthy again.
I'm never going to forget the countless laughs we shared
The times we laughed so hard until we fell over are the times I look back fondly on now, when I think of our friendship. I loved every single time we would just look at each other and know exactly what the other was thinking in a big group setting and just burst out laughing. Those are the days that I'm going to remember forever.
Thank you
Thank you for being there for me in all of my times of need, even if it meant staying up late, which I know you hated to do. Thank you for being my friend all those years and sharing a love of food, Netflix, going to concerts, and shopping 'til we dropped. You made high school more bearable and you helped me understand myself a bit more. But most importantly, thank you for being my friend.