Dear Mr. President,
Recently there has been many protest and rallies against your ban of immigration from the Middle East. I understand what you are trying to do, but I think you are doing it in the wrong way. Muslims are not the problem here, Muslims are a peaceful people and just because they do not believe in the same things you do doesn’t give you the right to persecute them. Yes, there are Muslim terrorists but you need to understand there are also American terrorists and terrorists from other countries. I get you want to “make America great again,” but this is just not right.
I am no politician, and no will I ever claim to be one but I do have an opinion on what you should be doing. You need to start within, you can’t fix your problems without some good self-reflection. Every day the people of Detroit, Chicago, Newark and other major cities are suffering from senseless violence from gangs. You need to invest in the infustructure of our youth, because the next president of the United States is a young person yet to be cultivated. You need to get kids off the streets and into safer environments. Instead of investing in big business major invest in the YMCA, or the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, or Big Brothers and Big Sisters. These people are on the front lines and willing to fight for you, but Mr. President you need to give them the tools to do so. They need funding to continue their efforts to save the youth of American from falling to the dangers of a gang. Invest in youth group programs in churches, synagogues and mosques alike, because they are doing more good then banning immigrants.
We need to clean up the streets and say no to senseless violence. You can make our country great again, and it really doesn’t take that much to do. We need to invest in educational programs in schools and other after-school programs, and we start there in order to make a difference in years to come.
When it comes to the gang violence, instead of turning a blind eye we need to step up our efforts. We need to get these people off the streets and maybe we can make some of our major cities great again. Instead of allocating police efforts to banning immigration start having them crack down on the Crips, the Bloods and MS13. These are your real issue. If we can stop the violence and the senseless attack our country will turn over a new leaf, one making it great again.
On your campaign trail you spoke about Charlotte, Chicago and Detroit and how terrible all the violence is, you need to fix that first.
I understand that you, and your associate will probably never read this and quite frankly I know you do not care what I have to say but I feel as though I need to say it. Maybe someone will get it and maybe someone can do something about it. Please, I beg you invest in us, the citizens not banning potential citizens. We will make your nation great again, I can promise you that. The power is yours, and I hope that your eyes will open to the sad state our nation is becoming because of your policies. Be kind to other and people will be kind back, it works on a national level as well. In the end, I believe we all want peace, even you Mr. President, so let’s make peace, and lets start in the great United States.
A concerned citizen.