Dear nurses of the world,
First and foremost, you are incredibly appreciated. Anyone who knows someone in nursing school can understand how much time and effort you put in to simply getting your degree.
Growing up with a mom who is a nurse, I always thought of it as just another job. It wasn't until I roomed with a nursing student that I realized how insanely hard working and driven these nurses and future nurses are.
Staying up 'til ungodly hours of the night, reading material that maybe isn't the most interesting, putting in extra hours for lab reports, and, not to mention the part time job on the side.
Many times, nurses don't work directly with you. Often, they are the ones writing up your reports, preparing things for the doctors, or driving from hospital to hospital to check on various reports and patients. And, more often then not, we give all praise to the doctor, because this is the person we see.
Now, I said earlier that my mom has been a nurse for as long as I can remember. I recall going to CPR class with her and watching her teach this class full of "old people" (they were probably in their twenties...). Looking back on this, I think of what a super hero she really was. Taking her five year old child to this class she taught may have been a pain, but she did it.
So listen up, nurses. You are appreciated. Hey, nursing student, you are appreciated. To the fifty year old going back to school to get a nursing degree, you are appreciated.
To the non nurses, show your love by reaching out to them and telling them how truly amazing they are! Encourage your fellow classmates in nursing school by telling them that you're proud of them.
Share with the nurses in your life.