New York, you are a place everyone must visit at least once in their life. Everyone gathers to see your Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center; your beautiful Empire State Building; your Statue of Liberty, and your breathtaking Central Park.
Aside from all these attractions, there is one place in the whole state of New York that every American needs to experience. The tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, the sixth tallest in the whole world, and the most unforgettable in so many of our hearts: One World Trade Center.
Only a few weeks ago it was the 15th anniversary of one the worst events in United States history. We all mourned the loss of so many lives due to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Only a few days ago a bomb detonated in Chelsea injuring thirty-one people.
The amount of people, the amount of businesses, and the amount of money in New York is outrageous; but so is the amount of strength and the number of heroes.
There are heroes dressed in blue and heroes dressed in firefighter gear, but there are also heroes dressed just like me and you.
New York, you have proven your strength over and over. We have all seen the heroes that walk your streets daily. For these reasons, none of us should be scared to visit your remarkable attractions. Go to Rockefeller Center and ice skate underneath the most beautiful Christmas tree. Go to the Empire State Building and take the elevator all the way to the top. Walk through Central Park and take a ton of pictures.
New York, we cannot live in fear in our incredible city because we will miss out on everything it has to offer and that is exactly what they want.
New York, my heart aches for you, but I know nothing and no one can break you.