Dear Younger Self,
Your life is and has been great, but you have gone and will go through so much. One thing that's persistent throughout your whole life and something you still struggle with is anxiety. What's different now is that you know how to handle it and ask for help. You have gotten so good at figuring out ways to calm yourself down.
Watch any Disney movie and lay in bed, trust me it works. But what I will tell you is that no matter what you will be ok, you are enough, and you are exactly where you need to be.
I'm so proud at how far you've come. Who would have thought that even one year ago, you'd be away from your family, living alone, and not dead? Leaving your family was probably the hardest part of college, but you got through it and found other relationships that fill that void when your not home.
Also, the invention of Facetime is revolutionary. You took your first flight alone, again, another accomplishment that one year ago would not have been possible. Because of college, your new found independence will bring you to places that anxiety previously held you back from.
High school was not the best, but I promise there is life outside of high school. At the time it's so hard to see that. When you're not invited to a party, don't worry. Spend that time with your family. Trust me, your family will be there for you when your friends fall through. It's a much better use of your time.
Stick to your beliefs. Kids in high school are so sheltered from the outside world, that they won't understand. They will try to tear you down, but don't change who you are. This is what makes you special.
College has helped you grow in ways that I did not think was possible. Going to college has always caused you so much anxiety. Where would you go? Would you have friends? Can you survive without your family? You're going to Syracuse, you have amazing friends, and you are surviving without your family.
I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future, but I do know that you are doing great now.