Dear Daniel and Mark,
It's strange to me that you are growing up and becoming taller than me. I remember the days when we would do everything together, no friends or responsibilities to worry about. Now that you are all grown up I realized I haven't told you guys how proud I am. Since I'm at school and can't tell you to your face, I've decided to write you both a letter.
Daniel, you are the biggest pain in my ass but you already knew that because I told you almost everyday while I was home. While you are a pain in my ass, I could never imagine my life without you. Even though you are almost 18 years old and you're about a foot taller than me, I will always and forever see you as my baby brother. You were the one who changed my life forever. I was once the baby of the family and I didn't have to worry about taking care of someone until the day you were born. I realized that I was going to pave the road that one day you would follow. Because of you, my life was changed for the better.
Whenever I was sad or just bored you were always the person I would go to for entertainment. You are the funniest person I know and it's clear to me that you are truly an amazing human. I know for a fact that you don't hear this enough but you are so smart and kind and I know that you are going to do so many amazing things in life.
You are so talented in everything you do. When it came to sports I was jealous that you were better than me. I tried to outdo you but of course, I always lost. But I like to believe that it was because I taught you that. When we were little, I never let you beat me so you worked harder so that one day you could be better than me. The only reason you are good at sports is because of me, so you are welcome.... okay obviously that's not true. You were blessed with an amazing athletic ability that unfortunately wasn't given to me. No matter how jealous I am... I mean *was, I knew that you were going to be successful in everything you did.
Watching you grow has been amazing. Though we grew apart as you grew up, I would still do anything for you. I loved that even though we weren't close when something amazing happened, you would come tell me or I would come tell you. You turned into such an intelligent and sweet man that I know you can change the world. As senior year starts I want you to know that you can do anything you put your mind to because I believe in you so much and all I want is for you to be happy. You will always be my little brother and I will do anything to protect you. I love you so much and I can't wait to see you overcome and conquer it all.
Onto the baby of the family, Mark. We have always been close and it kills me to see you all grown up. I can't see you as anything except for the little boy who couldn't do wrong. Ever since the day you were born, I knew that I had a new responsibility in life, being your big sister. Since I was six when you were born, I was old enough to help mom and dad take care of you.
You were the cutest little munchkin and everyone that met you loved you. You are an amazing boy and you have the biggest heart. I never met anyone who didn't like you and I never met anyone who didn't want to be your friend.
Then you became sick. You were in the hospital for months and when I came to visit, I couldn't help but cry. You were so weak and fragile that if I poked you, it would break every bone in your body. You are my baby brother and it killed me to see you so weak. Whenever I could visit, I did and I would try to keep you entertained and happy. I know we make fun of you because you no longer have a long intestine but I want you to know that you are the strongest person I have ever met and I know you can overcome anything.
The fact that you are now in eighth grade is scary to me. In a year you will be in high school and that will never be okay for me. You are my baby brother and I will never see you any other way. You are the baby of the family and I wish you would stay that way forever. Watching you grow had its ups and downs because you were sick but you have grown into a dapper young man. You are so smart and creative that I know it will be so easy for you to get into Loyola when it's time. You are going to do amazing things with your life and I can't wait to see how successful you become. I love you so much and I'm so excited to see how amazing your life will be.
You two are so special to me and I couldn't ask for better younger brothers. I love you so much and I want you to know how proud I am of you. You are going to do amazing things and I'm so excited to see the men you become. Good luck this year, I know you're going to do great.