Do you remember being in pre-k 3 surrounded by 14 other three-year-olds and wanting to find your best friend? Well not only did I know that I had found my best friend, but I had found my person. That person is more than a friend, more than a best friend, but someone who you cannot imagine life without. That person is the one who helps you make your biggest life choices and helps you when the both of you made the wrong decision. But lucky enough for me I have known my person since I was 3 years old. Do you remember those 4 pink tiled bathroom walls that we had all of our deep talks in? Or how about when we saw that boy on the playground with his friends but all we wanted was his attention? How about later on in life when you got your first tattoo and I held your hand the whole time? Or how about the time I dyed my hair black and called you crying because I thought I looked horrible? Well, I remember everything and I'm blessed to have been able to spend it all with you.
You are simply my rock in every situation. Thank you for pushing me to reach my dreams and pursue them to the best of my ability and I hope that I do the same. Thank you for telling me when that pair of pants does not look good on me and when I seriously need to shower. Thank you for telling me when I need to get my life together or when I need to calm down and live in the moment. Thank you for introducing me to Plaza and Extreme's Pedicures. Thank you for all of the inside jokes and the look we can give each other and know exactly what it means.
Not every pair of best friends can say that they've sat in silence on their phones and it hasn't been awkward, not every pair of best friends can say that they show up randomly at each other's house because they know exactly when they are home, but guess what, we can. But most of all not every pair of best friends can say that they've been friends for 16 years and are closer than ever. During these 16 years, we've graduated Kindergarten together, made the transition from elementary school to middle school, gone to the Dominican Republic together, graduated high school together, and said goodbye as I left for college and cried the first time we were reunited. My favorite part about our friendship is that we can call each other at 2am crying, and the other offers to come over, meanwhile not getting mad when we are only crying because of Grey's Anatomy.
I think it's easy to say that I have the most beautiful best friend inside and out. Your heart and spirit for children and others show to everyone, no matter who you are talking to. Your compassion is abundant and is one of the things many people see in you. Your love for God is plentiful and you always make me want to grow in my faith. To call you my best friend is a privilege at the least.
Our bond is so strong and no matter how far apart we are because of college, we will never lose that bond. I cannot wait to be together in a nursing home on our 100th birthday, celebrating like we are just turning 30. Promise me that no matter what happens, we will be as strong as we are now and that nothing will ever come between us. I love you to the moon and back.
Thank you for being my very first best friend.
Your person