I just want to start with endless thank you’s. Thank you for listening to me tell the same story twice and having to relive my mistakes. Although, I know you guys aren’t best friends, I love how close we all can be when we’re all together. We’re like three peas in a pod and I’m the glue.
To my school best friend,
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You are hands down the greatest partner in crime. You go above and beyond to make my days better and I couldn’t be more grateful to have such a wonderful best friend and roommate. Our endless sleepovers, late night cramming, and excessive eating will never get old. Every day is a little easier knowing I get to come home to your cute little face.
You’re one-of-a-kind and my motivator. Without you, I would have spent one too many days in bed and left one too many dishes in the sink. You motivate me in more ways than just that, though. You make me want to be a better person and be as happy as you are about everything.
It was fate that we ended up at the same school, started living together and started creating so many memories. True friendships are suppose to be easy, uplifting and fun. And that’s exactly what you’ve given me. A friendship I know will last a life time and a roommate I miss whenever I'm gone, even for just a few hours.
Snuggling, making dinner, going on adventures and the 7am grind will never get old, with you. Thanks for being by my side through the good times, the bad times, the horrible times and the most memorable of times. Thanks being one of the greatest friends I’ve ever had.
To my best friend from home,
You’re my homie, you know that? You’re like the nice, kind version of me I never had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you for always being positive and ALWAYS answering my phone calls. Even if it is 11 p.m. and you’re at a party or headed out. Our FaceTime dates never get old nor will the amount of times you make me laugh via text in a day.
Regardless of the distance between us, it’s like nothing’s changed when we’re back together. I know all your dirty little secrets and you know mine. I know the name of all your friends, although I may not know their faces. And that is a beautiful thing. Long distances friendships are hard, but we’ve managed to make it work with flying colors. And I will never stop counting down the days till we are reunited.
I’m sorry I don’t visit as much as I should and sometimes I go completely MIA. But I want you to know, you’re still one of the most important people in my life. My story wouldn't be the same without you.
We’ve been through the craziest of times and most of my favorite memories, you were right by my side. I have so many thinks to thank you for. Thank you for being there for me, always giving me advice and never letting me be hard on myself. Even from so many miles away.
To both of you,
Thank you. You both have helped me be a successful person and have been there for me through some of the hardest points of my life.
You guys are just both so awesome that I never have to worry when the three of us spending time together. Some get jealous or intimidated by the insane closeness and “butt buddy-ish” vibe we give off. But you both just get along so well and it just makes everything so much better. I get beyond excited for everyone to come home, have a wine night and watch the bachelor. The moments I have you both by my side, are the moments I feel the most complete.
You guys have managed to make my life so much better and easier than I could ever ask for. I trust you both with my life and would do anything in the world for you both.
You guys are the greatest friends I’ve ever had. And I can’t wait till your standing by my side through every next step of my life. You girls are my sisters and futures brides maids. And that’s more than I could ask for in friends.
Love you both forever,
The Crazy Best Friend