To my best friend:
Hey! I know we don't talk every day. We really don't talk much at all. I just wanted to say thanks. That is really all this is about. First, thank you for the Skateland couples dance. Seriously, those were the only times we had our chance to talk. You were so quiet. I think that's why I liked you. Opposites do attract...obviously.
Thank you for listening to every complaint. You always have been, are and will be there for me. Thanks for all of the plans. (We still have to get a house or live next door to each other.) Thanks for being my future maid-of-honor. You're welcome for being yours.
Thanks for taking me to Sea World and Aquatica. Thank you for giving me such an awesome vacation. The first vacation i ever took by myself, without family or friends. I couldn't have asked for a better one. Every vacation took with you was unforgettable. Atlantic City, Ocean City, every beach and boardwalk. Every water slide, All of the camping trips. Every bonfire and s'more. Oh goodness, the laughs. From Carly's chicken and corn to you marrying Brad. Thank you for being the best concert buddy.
No one will ever compare to you. You are more than a friend, more than a best friend. You are a sister to me at this point. Remember Frank and Tyler? Oh my goodness. We have so many good great memories. I would never trade them. Thank you for staying my favorite. Maryland, Pennsylvania or Florida. Between and beyond. You are worth flying over 1,000 miles just to see for a week. I'd do it to see you for one minute. You are more like a sister to me than my actual sisters!
Thank you for the Cinderella key chain. Thanks for stopping into Costas so say hey on your way home for the holidays. Thanks for introducing me to Riley and Jamie. A huge thank you for spending 16 hours at Disney with me. My feet hurt and my body hate hated me after that. It was definitely well worth it. Even with all of the sass that day. I'd say we are doing good for a 15 year relationship. Oh! Didn't you have a wooden futon?
So, before I forget...tell momma Kristen that I said "Thank you for everything you've done, all of the pancakes, her laugh and everything she's supplied us with." Tell your dad that I said "Thanks for taking us to all of the concerts and being our personal security guard. Thanks for trying to embarrass me, but it never working! Thanks for making Ris' face blood red anytime with embarrassment!" Thank them for everything. Thank your whole family for loving me as if I was one of your sisters. I hope everyone is well and I will see you this summer! I love you more than boys. Tell Matt I said hey. Give Mojo and Dudley love for me. I cant wait for this summer. Stay golden, pony boy.
Oh, and we still have to get matching leprechaun tattoos.
Seriously though, thanks for being you. Love you!