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To My Team

You Were My Dream

To My Team
Hannah Barnett

Dear team,

If you do not already know then let me tell you now: one thing I have always just absolutely loved doing is writing. I write for The Odyssey not because I am making millions of dollars but because I love what I do and I love expressing myself through my writing.

With that being said, it has really been on my heart probably since about band camp to write an article dedicated to y'all. Please excuse me but I am going to dip into my mush box for a second and express my feels.

I have loved you since before I met you. I don't care who is reading this, old, new, red or blue, it really does not matter because I love all of you. Well I reckon I am Dr. Seuss now... But I am being completely serious.

I can remember the first time I met all of you. Some I met over a year ago, some just a few months ago, and some just a few days ago. I could write an individual letter to each of you, and, of course, I already wrote a letter dedicated to how much I appreciate your other captain.

The reason why I am so thankful for each of you and this season in general is because of my history. Now let me explain...I have always been the type of person to want to work my up the leadership train. I do not necessarily know why I am like that, but I just am. In high school, I was that annoying girl who hopped around saying hi to everyone and was filled with probably way too much school spirit. I am Patty Simcock. I reckon not much has changed in that aspect. With all of that being said by the time I was a senior in high school I was in leadership in almost everything I was involved with.

However, when I got to college, my number one priority, although it hurts to admit this, was not school work, it was color guard. From my first semester coming in color guard was my number one priority. Since, I have had to learn that my relationship with Christ and school absolutely have to come first in my life, and now it does. I came in knowing that I wanted to be a captain by my second year. Once me and Kymi became so close and I realized that not only would we make a good partnership but also that we were on the same page with almost everything, I realized that my dream might actually come true, and it did.

I remember the day me and Kymi got the news. We were together getting ready for the formal dance with my sorority. Our friend Erica was working her tail off to cover my black eye, which I received a few days before when I had a seizure in the middle of East Commons and hit my head on the corner of one of the tables. We got the notification that the list of leadership had been posted and very anxiously we both went to check. We screamed and were just so excited. There is a screenshot I have somewhere of my face when I just found out the great news. Erica was vlogging which is why there was actual footage.

This was one of my biggest goals and dreams. This season was my dream. All of you were my dream.

Now, as you know, there have been plenty of hiccups along the way throughout this season. Although at times we have been frustrated with each other or others, although at time we have been on the verge of tears (or actually in them in my case), although at times we just wanted to be anywhere else but that field, we are still a team. If any one of you truly wanted to leave you would have already. I have to say regardless of who comes back next year (which I hope all of you do) I am so glad to have each of you on the team this very season. I am not trying to brag but I think we have a great team. There is so much skill just bursting at the seems from each of you. I think in some way I have learned a lesson from each of you. My ultimate goal is to not only walk out of this growing as a person but also as a leader. I truly think this season will definitely do that for me, and to be honest all these "hiccups" that have popped up have been very emotionally draining there have still become engraved into the memories from the season. They are just a little, or maybe big, bump in the road and tomorrow is always a new day.

At the end of it all I may not be the best color guard member skill wise, I may not be the fastest learner or the one who can toss the highest, I may not be the best captain, I may not even be the best person, but I genuinely care about this team. I think, or at least I hope, that everyone can see how much I care. I would do just about anything for any of you. You all have been such a wonderful support system to me this past week or so while I have been going through some personal termoil, and for that I am very grateful.

You have every right to your opinion, but, in my opinion, I think good or bad we are a family. I love this school, I love this band, there is not anywhere else I would rather be, and most importantly I love y'all. I hope you know that if you ever need anything I am ALWAYS here for you. I am so proud of you for making it through your first two games AND first (for many of you) exhibition. I hope when you are on that field that the smile you portray is as genuine on the inside as it is shining on the outside.

I love you. See you at practice.

Hannah P Barnett, aka 1//2 of your captain team <3

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