“In order to carry a positive vision, we must develop here a positive vision.” - Dalai Lama
Dear me,
Are you listening?
I know that you are in there somewhere, but that you are struggling to find your way through. Something that you will soon see is that stumbling leads to further motivation to climb, and perhaps that is what you need. I know that things are hard right now, and that it seems like everything is basked in darkness, but here are a few things that you deserve to know, ones that might have the ability to help you.
You are young. You have so many years left to figure out what you want to do, and even more to see how your life could end up. You are learning and discovering yourself, and you are bound to not know. You are no less than anyone else if you don't have everything figured out instantly, in this moment. These next few years are laid out for you to explore yourself, your wants (as well as your necessities), for both your present and perhaps your future self, too. What you do not understand yet is that, mistakes are made for fixing and building up from. Mistakes do not mean failure, because there are infinite ways to learn and move on from them, ones that could lead to success.
You are strong. You have so much strength, not only in your mind and your studies, but in your heart. You often think that loving only leads to heartbreak, but in truth, your heart has brought you to a place that you couldn't believe, and eventually could lead to so much more. Your love is one of your best aspects, and it has the potential to bring you so much. It's time that you use it for yourself. After awhile of giving it out to others, you deserve to be able to turn what you give to others towards yourself. Love is not a weapon. It is rather, a pure, true feeling, because what you give is what you get, and you will get the love you deserve, eventually, but the one person who can truly give it to you ultimately is you.
You are beautiful. You are beautiful, inside and out, no matter your race, size, sexuality or anything else that you use against yourself to make yourself feel like you need to change. You do not, in fact, need to change, at least not for anyone but yourself. Your body and mind are your safe havens, and they are so alluring. You are the only one whom has control over how you look and think, and that is something that you have to remember, no matter what anyone else says.
Your grades do not determine who you are. No letter or number can or will define who you are as a person, much like your weight or height cannot either. A grade is only a grade, and that is all that it is. It's a letter, on a piece of paper. As long as you work hard and do your best, the grades you receive should and will show that, anyways. You are worth so much more than pen on paper.
And last, but not least, you are you. You are human, and you cannot allow yourself to think that you're superhuman, because you are not. You have weaknesses and flaws and you have issues sometimes, but what you must know, is that you can embrace each of those things, and in time you must learn to love and accept them, because they are and always will be a part of you.
I believe in you, God believes in you and so do so many others, despite the opinion you have that not many people care. They do, even though you may not see, know or have even met them yet. The truth is that you are on a journey, and while the length is uncertain, you can and will have people that will guide you through it. You will find your way, and you will shed this negativity. Eventually, you will discover you, and will finally be able to claim your happiness.
As a wise man, known as Albus Dumbledore, once said, "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the lights."