Mom, I don't thank you enough for what you do for me. I don't give you enough credit for my successes in life, and I want to be sure you know that you're a huge part of them. From the beginning all you've done is care and love me (even when I'm sure it was very hard to). You are the best Mom anyone could ask for, and I'm not just saying that.
When I think of all the times you picked me up from school to take me to practice, and then pick me up again to take me home and make dinner and about a million other things.. Mom you are a super human. I seriously don't understand how you did it all. When I was smaller I definitely wasn't aware of how poorly I treated you. I'm sure I rarely said thank you, I mean really said it and meant it. Yet that did not stop you from showing me all of your love. You are beautiful inside and out, and I am so thankful I've gotten to see your true beauty over the years.
When people say I look like you, all I can do is smile. I know they don't just mean outside appearance, but they mean you're inner beauty as well. Mom you are so caring toward others, and you are truly one the best listeners I know. You're kindness radiates everywhere you go, and I'm lucky I get to call you my mom. So when someone says I look like you, it's one of the greatest compliments I can get.
Thank you for making jokes with me and laughing with me. Thank you for caring for me when I'm sick and for caring for me even when I'm not. I know this letter does not even come close to thanking you for all the things you have done for me, but there's nothing I can do that will ever compare to the love you have shown me in my lifetime. You have never given up on me, and you have always supported me. And I will forever be grateful for the relationship that God has blessed me with by letting you be my Mom.
Mom you are amazing, and I'll be lucky if one day I'm half as amazing of a mom as you are. I love you!