Girl, I must say this: you have got it going on! Just because you don’t know how beautiful and desirable you are doesn’t mean you aren’t. It just means you haven’t quite discovered yourself yet. Just because you haven’t received A’s on all your papers and changed the world with your writing doesn’t mean you won’t. Trust me when I say this, those things won’t define your worth either.
But for the purpose of today, we are going to focus on some of the stuff you might miss when riding the single horse.
First of all, I just need to tell you this: although it seems as though having a man by your side will make you feel valuable and cherished I have news for you.
It does feel this way for a while but that lovey dovey goosh ma goosh doesn’t last. It really shouldn’t as he’s just a dude. He’s just a guy! He comes with his own set of issues and hang-ups. Sometimes he smells like a package of super stinky cheese that has been abandoned in a bone yard (maybe this is a slight exaggeration…maybe). Sometimes he super loudly horks up loogies when you're trying to relax on the couch, by the pool or by whatever be your fancy. Sometimes things are not pretty.
But don’t get me wrong; all cheese and loogies aside, because being in a relationship is wonderful. It’s magical. It’s fantastically God’s plan but that doesn’t mean it is the end to a means. It takes attention and thought. It takes work and is risky. Your heart could be torn to shreds (as has happened to me on a couple occasions).
“to love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements.”
Clive was a wise guy!
He was being a tad bit sarcastic in that quote (yet another reason to love Clive to bits). He was almost throwing a dare at you.
Don’t let those words stifle and scare you. You are made for adventure and danger. You are made to take a leap at things and fail. If you don’t you won’t go anywhere worth going in your life. You are made to take some risks and yes, fail on occasion. You are going to learn from your mistakes and grow from that learning!
I want you to know that you are loved no matter what silly choices you make. I also want you to know that God has an amazing man for you to marry at the right time.
All that God requires of you is patience. He asks that you would rest in His timing and not try to override His promises. Don’t settle for the next best thing when God is giving you warning signs and prompting you to not move any further along in the relationship.
Take time to spend with Jesus. Work through your anger, resentments, and personal challenges too because when you are one with another person things get so much more challenging!
Girl, trust me when I tell you that you have got time. Better than that, really, you have got Jesus! You have friends who love you o much. As you wait for that man to come along dive deeper into God’s Word. Don’t chase men willy nilly because it will get you nowhere.
Proverbs 3:5
Yours to the moon and back.