Before coming to college I heard all the roommate horror stories and you know exactly which ones I am referring to. The stories where the roommate stinks up the place, steals clothes, or comes in late and loud every night when you have an 8 am, haunted me as I decided to do a random roommate request for my first year at UW- Whitewater. Little did I know, that was going to be the best thing I ever could do. First semester I had a few emotional breakdowns. I was recently single, I was homesick, I was practicing late and waking up early, I was becoming easily stressed and if it weren't for her I don't know how I would have gotten through it like I did. I want to use this article to thank her from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for listening to me complain. No matter what it may be, you are always lending you ear. A professor I can't stand, a class that gives out way too much work, a certain boy, or even just about how tired I am, you deal with everything I say even if I repeat myself. Thank for just listening to me in general. Nights of crying and staying up way too late venting for hours. Without you, who knows where I would be. Thanks for dealing with my loud laugh during quiet hours and may random dance parties. You deal with my early mornings when no one should be up, and my late nights when I can't fall asleep.
Thank you, for the diet cheat days and the ice cream runs. No, I am not thanking you for the extra calories I can't seem to work off, but the sweet comfort of the food and our company. The spontaneous runs to Janesville to spend money I don't have and the Walmart errand runs, you make the simple things more fun. Whether its going to the dining hall or going to the UC for an event you grinning and bearing it makes everything easier and fun. The scary movie nights and crying over the Notebook together are traditions that will hopefully last for a lifetime.
I am so thankful for you, my roommate. Not only do you make college easier, but you makes life easier. You are became a life long friend in a short span of months. You are my best friend at school, my duet partner, and my sister away from home. You are always there when times get rough away. When I am homesick, when I am overly tired, when I am annoyed over a boy, a friend, or just anything you listen no matter the time of day. I am so glad I was blessed with your company and friendship and I can't wait for years to come with you by my side.