I would like to start by saying that you are one of the few people in my life that I can truly say has a heart of gold. You've always been my shoulder to lean on, the one who gives it to me straight when I am being too emotional and the one who gives the best hugs. All my life I have looked up to you. I know I haven't always shown how thankful I am for all you do for me, but just know that I always will.
You've been my best friend from day one, and someone that I know with complete certainty I will never be able to thank enough. You know what is important to me and continue to support me no matter what. You push me and motivate me when I don’t have enough drive myself. Maybe at first I won’t be too happy, but just know that it was worth the push because, now, I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else in my life.
You also inspire me to help, care and teach other people how to be the best they can be. You taught me to help those that are in need and to care for others even if I may not know them that well. I look up to your ability to be so selfless. As I mentioned before, I do not know how one person can have such a good heart, but you do. And I’m glad I have you in my life. You always have a smile and make people laugh even if you’re having a tough time yourself. I still struggle with projecting my feelings out into the world, but I will get there. As you told me, it’s just a part of becoming an adult.
You also continue to put others before yourself. Even though that truly does frustrate and worry me sometimes, I know that it makes you feel better by making sure that people are OK. But just know that I’ll be here making sure that you are OK, too. Your kindness shines through whatever you do. People time and time again have come up to me telling me how wonderful you are, and how you always have a smile on your face. You made me realize that that is what I want in life: to make others happy, and also be loved in return.
You make everyone feel wanted and special. That’s truly a great gift. You have been through so much, but continue to push past any obstacle that falls into your path. I am constantly surprised by your strength and perseverance. Your wisdom and intelligence are something that I strive to achieve in my lifetime. Though, I know that I cannot be you, I can be the best version of me. And that’s something you taught me among a lot of other things. So, this is my letter to you. Thanking you. Appreciating you. And most of all, just telling you how much I love you.