Dear Future Little,
I can't wait for you to be all mine! I am so excited that I get the privilege to watch you fall in love with our sorority.
You are at such an awesome and scary time in your life right now. You've graduated high school, you're enjoying your last summer before college, you're unsure of what lies ahead, but you're excited to begin this new chapter in your life called college. I remember this feeling like it was yesterday. Nervous, happy, sad, excited and unsure are just a few emotions to sum up what you're beginning to feel as August rounds the corner.
Recruitment can be exhausting yet so rewarding. Just take a deep breath, be yourself, and you will fall in love with the girls who fall in love with you. This house will become your home away from home for the next four years of your life. You will find friendships with some of the most amazing girls. Friendships that are so uplifting and encouraging. When you run to our beautiful home on bid day, you'll know that you made the best decision, and you'll feel right at home.
I can't wait to teach you everything there is to know about our sorority. I can't wait for you to meet my perfect Big (AKA your Grandbig). She taught me everything that I need to know about becoming the best Big. I can't wait to take you in as my own and continue our perfect little family.
I want you to know how important your pledge class is to our whole sorority. You and your sisters are the future of our sorority. Take pride in that and make the next four years the best years of your lives. Form close bonds with each of your sisters. Don't let your freshman year go by with you not knowing every one of your sisters on a personal level. These friendships will become the best ones.
I promise to always lead you in the right direction when college gets hard. I'll always be your go-to, your best friend, your shoulder to cry on and most importantly, your Big. I can't wait to shower you with gifts, talk about Jesus and introduce you to all of my best friends. My house will alway be your house when you need to escape from your dorm. I'll always be there to guide you through the ups and downs that college brings along with it.
Most importantly, I'll teach you how to be the best Big for your future Little, just as my Big has taught me. I'll lead by example. I'll show you what it means to become a good sister and a good role model. And you too will become the perfect Big, and have the perfect Little one day.
Your Future Big