To the girl who resented growing up in her older sister's shadow, you two will grow incredibly close when both of you are older. You each become your own person and distinguishable from one another, disregarding the accidental name-slips from your parents. She becomes your biggest supporter and your best friend.
To the girl who wanted to do all of the extracurricular activities and clubs, it would be a trend that would last through senior year of high school before you would pace yourself in college. You continued a lot of things you began, most notably playing the flute, now going on 12 years; dropped some, like piano lessons and Girl Scouts; and added some new ones along the way, mostly community service at your church.
To the girl who believed that hiding herself was the best option, you came out of your shell. Although you are still apprehensive to always be yourself around others, you are confident in who you know yourself to be. The days of changing yourself to feel like you fit into a group are over.
To the girl who thought there was no way out, you have found happiness. You still struggle but you are stronger now. There are people around you who support you and help you. You cannot forget what happened, but you use it to help others and grow stronger in your own life. It is a part of who you are.
To the girl who dreamed of becoming a writer, you are slowly making your way towards that goal. Writing got you through your darkest time, it is your constant and something you still love. You have begun to create worlds to grow and develop later. You write for a newspaper, you share your life here on The Odyssey to help others, you have taken writing classes, and found new inspiration.
To the girl whose life is from a small town, you have moved from Frederick to a town that you fell equally in love with - Chestertown. You call Washington College your home, but will always remember where you came from - your street and all of your neighbors, your high school, your church, your Frederick community. All of them helped you get to where you are, and welcome you back with open arms when you return on a break.
To the girl who was afraid to move on with her life, you are in your second semester of your freshmen year of college. You left your home, your friends and your family and made a new home, with friends that you call your family. You are happy with your life and where you are. You love your majors, your college, your friends (both new and old), and working to make yourself happy. It's a learning process, but you are growing.
I have learned a lot in my life, but especially in 2016. Some of the lessons were not as easy to learn as others were. I stumbled and fell, but finally learned how to get back up and fight. My journey is far from over - it has only just begun.