Dear Friend,
It’s hard to believe it’s been so long, but at this point, I think it’s safe to say that I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it. You have always been there, and I could never tell you enough how much I appreciate that.
I cannot even begin to count all the memories we have shared together, but I cherish the pictures I have of all those earlier times. Endless summer days, sleepovers, and “play dates” on the weekends—all these memories come to mind. My childhood was happier, livelier, and more joyful with you in it.
It’s hard growing up, but growing up with you by my side made the scary a little less scary, the awkward a little less awkward, and the worries a little bit dimmer.
You have always known me almost better than I know myself. You can tell when things aren’t right, and you know just what to say. Together, we have survived heartbreak, braces, and middle school. I could not have done it without you.
Now we are older, and a million things seem to consume our lives. College has put miles between us, and text messages and phone calls just aren’t the same. Life is a never-ending list of things to get done, and the free time we have is shrinking to nothing. The time we spend together is becoming shorter and shorter.
But don’t think I won’t answer if you call in a crisis. Don’t think I won’t come running as soon as you need me. I would never miss the opportunity to be the kind of friend you have always been to me. We may not have tons of time to spend together now, but we have years and years of memories linking us together. That is something that will never go away.
To say that I am thankful is an understatement. I am beyond grateful that you have been a part of my life, and I hope that there is never a day when I have to face something big without you.
Thank you for always supporting me. Thank you for laughing with me, for crying with me. Thank you for listening and for reminding me everything will turn out okay in the end. Thank you for accepting me and putting up with me for all of these years.
Thank you for being my oldest friend.