Dear my not-so-younger sister,
Growing up we didn't exactly have the greatest relationship. I think a lot of what we went through when we were younger created a barrier between us that's been extremely difficult to get over. As the oldest, I constantly felt the need to "Mom" you, and naturally you hated it, as little sisters should. We've always seemed to be complete opposites of each other, our only similarity-our free spirited personalities. Regardless of our differences, our arguments, our frustrations with each other, there has always been love. That being said, heart to hearts aren't usually our thing but now that we're both out of high school, both living on our own, both embracing our independence, and growing up there are a few things I'd like you to know.
First, I want you to know how proud I am of you. It's been a wonderful experience watching you grow up so far and overcome a lot of obstacles that have held you back. Whether or not you choose to listen to advice I give you I cannot wait to see what else you accomplish in your life time. Just know that I'll be here to support you through whatever issues you endure if you need the help. From what I've experienced so far there are rough waters ahead but nothing you cannot handle.
You are one of the coolest people I know. You're a hard worker, a strong woman, and absolutely hilarious. You're incredibly smart and you've got so many dreams. Many of which I cannot wait for you to achieve. The older we get the more our personalities seem to compliment each other and that's the greatest feeling in the world. Any time we hang out there is never a dull moment. Whether it's your ridiculous facial expressions, or my crazy ideas, there is always a smile to be shared.
Lastly, I do not want you to forget how amazing you are. Don't let a boy bring you down, don't let a friend make you unhappy, don't let yourself be miserable at a job and don't forget that I am here for you no matter what. I will always have your back, and I will always, always, always be here for you to talk to when it's 2am and you cannot sleep. Although I am always going to want you to learn from my mistakes, I realize you need to make your own to grow and be human. Regardless of our past, I am glad we've began to overcome the barrier that has been between us and I hope I have been someone you've looked up to at times and someone you've listened to regardless how crazy I may sound. Just know that at the end of the day I will always love you, always support you, and always have your back. I love you so, so much.
With all of my heart,
Your older sister.