Dear Baby Bro,
When I found out fourteen years ago that I was going to have a younger sibling, I immediately knew I wanted a sister. I wanted someone to dress up, gossip with, and paint each other’s nails. When I found out that you were a boy, those thoughts quickly disappeared and were replaced with all of the memories we have shared.
Those who know me know that you’re my favorite person. I constantly talk about you and your love for your high school, or the fact that you’re now the basketball student coach. Though not all of my friends have met you, they know about you and even reference you as Mutatron (long live your YouTube channel). You’re the person I would do anything for, even though it doesn’t always seem like it. You’re my “person,” and you always will be.
We’ve been through it all together. You truly are my best friend, and I hope that I’m yours. We’ve seen each other grow up and change for the better, but also seen the worst of us. If there’s anyone who knows me well, it’s you. We’ve been there for all of our milestones, the good and the bad. You’re a constant in my life, just as I am one in yours. Though we may change as people or start new chapters of our lives, we will always have each other to fall back on.
Thank you for everything. Thank you for being by my side, whether it be through more than our fair share of funerals or even just during the move into our new house. Thank you for going to Chipotle with me for lunch more than you actually like to and sitting with me watching the Walking Dead for hours. You’ve sat through endless theater performances, volleyball games, and traveled all around for my college visits. So much of your time has been spent on me, and I’m so grateful to you for it.
In the past few years, I’ve had the chance to see you grow more as a person. Even though I’m away at college now, mom and dad always keep me updated on your life (as well as our various FaceTimes which consist of you playing video games). In the past year alone you’ve matured so much. Just a mere two years ago you used to be a shy, timid boy, but now you’re a confident young man. I’m so proud of you and you have so much potential for the future.
Mom and Dad have always said that you look up to me as a role model, and (if that’s true) I hope I’ve been a good one. I know that it may seem like I’m being harsh on you (or, well, even mean), but I do it because I care about your success. Your potential never ceases to amaze me. You’re so smart, yet you don’t like to show it. I care about you and I want you to succeed in life, and if making you study for your exams for hours causes that to happen, then it was worth it.
I don’t know how I lasted four years without you. Your witty replies are frustrating, yet hilarious. You challenge me through all of our arguments and our pool matches (which you always end up scratching on). We are the perfect team, and I am so thankful I can call you my brother.
There’s no one else I’d rather sit through sixteen-hour car rides with every year, or share a tiny stateroom on cruise ships with. I’m so thankful I have you to make all of the vacations just a little more entertaining, our family dinners just a little funnier, and my day just a little happier.
Love always,
Your Big Sister