Dear Chapel Hill,
As I prepare to move out after my freshman year, I am terrified. I am terrified to start my first internship this summer. I am terrified that my first year here flew by so fast. I am terrified that next year will do the same.
But I want to thank you. The reason I feel so much fear is because I love you so much. I know I will cry as I move my things out, knowing I have to spend a few months away from you. I know I will cry when I graduate because I will never live here as a student again.
You are everything I could have hoped for. You are beautiful, full of school spirit and Southern hospitality. You have worked your way into my heart, making yourself into something I don't think I could ever live without.
The sports, the late nights, the lounging in the quad. My friends, my favorite places, my loved and not-so-loved professors. I will always associate this place with the best years of my life.
A piece of me will always live here, full of the memories I have made and will make. So again, I want to thank you. Thank you for being my "home away from home" that slowly became just my "home."
A grateful student