Letter to My Middle School Self | The Odyssey Online
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Letter to My Middle School Self

No, the world won't end in 2012.

Letter to My Middle School Self
Lindsey Daggett

It's crazy to think 2007 was ten years ago, it feels like yesterday I was in middle school rocking out to my pink iPod Nano. Now that I've graduated college, I'd like to reminisce to a simpler time of pop music, bangs, and American Idol.

Dear Me,

You've made it to seventh grade! In five years, you're going to graduate high school and in ten years, you're going to graduate college (you'll go through a few things before finally graduating).

I'm writing to you from the future, 2017 (no, the world didn't end in 2012) and lately I've been missing and thinking about 2007. I recently started listening to my pink iPod that you always have in your possession, and it made me think how much has changed; I'm going to tell you a lot will change for you within the next ten years.

1. You hate makeup now, but it eventually becomes part of your image. You almost never leave the house without it now.

2. Yes, that includes eyeliner. You hate eyeliner in 2007, but you'll becomes obsessed with it in high school, often forgetting to take it off before bed.

3. For the love of god, please grow out your bangs. You've had the same hairstyle for years. In high school, you're going to want to be different, and will start changing your hair in tenth grade. You'll even start dying it different colors when you leave high school all together.

4. American Idol is your entire world. Enjoy it while you can when it's at its greatest. In a few short years, the show you adore will start to have seasonal rot and all the judges will leave (yes, including Simon).

5. Speaking of American Idol, you do eventually audition for the show (a MySpace casting call). Over a million people will submit videos, but you'll still feel proud of yourself for achieving your goal of auditioning.

6. In 2016, American Idol will air its final season. It'll be ten years since you started watching.

7. Don't fret, the show is coming back on in 2018. And you'll still want to audition.

8. Instead of going to a fancy acting college in LA, you'll discover your gift of writing next year. You'll graduate with a degree in creative writing in a nice little college in western Maine.

9. You'll still love acting and theatre. You still dream of being rich and famous.

10. No, you won't win an Oscar by 18. Let's shoot for 28.

11. You hate tattoos. I have one right now, and plan on getting more.

12. The song "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder is constantly being played on the radio. Everyone in your middle school constantly sings the song (badly). It even gets played at the middle school dances. You grow to hate the song because of the constant overplay.

13. You'll become obsessed with Hinder in 2017. How's that for irony?

14. You'll finally learn the singer's name is Austin Winkler, he'll no longer be "the dude from Hinder." You'll develop a massive crush on him and his raspy voice. He'll quit Hinder in 2013.

15. You wear jeans right now. In 2011, you'll ditch jeans for leggings. You're welcome.

16. Yes, you'll start dating eventually. But it won't be until after high school. You'll be awkward for a few more years.

17. Boys are dumb. You'll always know this.

18. You'll become aware of your insecurities. I miss how comfortable I used to be in no makeup and don't-care fashion.

19. You eventually trade in the Black Eyed Peas for rock bands.

20. You'll get braces next year. It'll be 2.5 years of insecurity, pain, and drool, but you'll learn how time and patience is worth amazing things.

21. You'll learn not everyone is your friend. The smaller your circle, the better.

22. You'll start wearing tutu's and fingerless gloves. You're welcome.

23. All those nerves and pangs of sadness are actually part of your mental illnesses. You'll be diagnosed with anxiety and depression.

24. Don't worry, you'll live. And you'll be a stronger person for learning how to live with them.

25. Crocs aren't cool.

26. You dream of singing pop/soul music. You'll want to be a rockstar.

27. No, you still haven't seen Nickelback in concert. I'm going to see them in July:)

28. Coloring Fuzzy Posters will always be cool. In fact, adult coloring books will be a thing. I'm serious.

29. You'll become more confident as a singer, even singing in front of audiences. But you'll forget the words on more than one occasion. Don't beat yourself over it, shit happens.

30. Yes, you'll embrace swearing. Fuck yes.

31. You're going to be tested with difficult life challenges once high school hits, but you'll survive. You don't know it now, but you're a little warrior.

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