Dear mom,
You are the hardest working person I know. Each and every day, you do the best that you can, alongside dad to provide for the family. You are so knowledgable, curious, aspiring, motivated, and dedicated, in everything that you do — every single daily activity or routine with the family, you always make sure that everyone is cared for and their needs are met.
You gave me the best childhood anyone could imagine. From dressing me and my brothers in matching pajamas during Christmas time, cheering me on at my sporting events, listening closely during my orchestra concerts all throughout my years as a student, to bringing in homemade cupcakes into my elementary classrooms on my birthday. You always put a smile on my face and made me cherish every single moment in life. You gave me the life that you have always wanted for your children, and I'm more than grateful for that.
I'm proud of you for always sticking up for yourself when you know something isn't right. Whether it be at work, or within a friend group, you will always stand up for what you believe in. You are so strong in your faith and even during the times where you feel as if you need to be more engaged in it, yes, keep praying for the things you desire. God knows all of your needs and wants. He is with you everywhere you go, and when you feel discouraged, He's already one step ahead and knows what you're thinking about.
I'm so happy that all throughout my life, you have taught me about God, and how much He loves and cares for me. You would always tell me when I was younger, "who does Jesus love?" And I would say, "ME!" and it would go on and on. That has always been something I can remember, even at 20 years old. I know that He has such an amazing plan for my life and each and every day, as a child and even now, you always remind me of the amazing things that are in store for me.
I remember a couple of years ago when I was dealing with really bad anxiety and I didn't know if I wanted to stay in gymnastics or not, and you gave me this book with a ton of scripture verses in it, with a cute and encouraging note from you inside it. I remember entering high school, and you leaving me a little note on my nightstand or at the kitchen table at breakfast of how God will help me with my anxieties and cast them upon Him, and to not be nervous about these big changes in life. Your little reminders of God's reassurance has helped me through so much.
You're a fighter. You push through any type of pain that you are going through. Physical pain, or even the slightest bit of stress that you are dealing with. You always want to appear strong and ready to take on anything, and in reality, you ARE. You ARE strong, you ARE ready for anything that comes your way, and you ARE my best friend and the person I can always trust and rely on.
You and dad have more than supported me in all of my dreams and aspirations in life. When I decided to change my major, you gave me another reminder that you will love and support me through this new journey, and that I will succeed in no matter what I do. I appreciate all of the time, effort, and money, that has been put into all of my interests growing up. From dance to gymnastics, cheerleading, pole vaulting, and being a violinist, you have always told me to pursue what I feel best suits me and what I think feels best in my heart, and is the right decision—to always chase after my dreams in whatever those may be.
You have taught me to appreciate everything that I have in life because not everyone has the same things that you have given me. You have given me every reason there is, to be positive and optimistic as I get closer to my career as a future educator, and living each day as an opportunity to achieve something new.
As you read this, I hope it makes you smile and reassures you that the way you raised me, is something that I will always love and cherish, and brightens my day each time I think about it. I hope that you keep pushing forward when life seems to throw obstacles that you might not believe you can overcome. But you CAN, and you WILL. You're the strongest person I know, and I love you so very much.