“Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” -Barbara Alpert
Dear Sissy (and all the little girls in my life),
I remember you coming into my life like it was yesterday. It was one of the happiest days that I will ever have. I remember the feeling I got in my heart, knowing that, from that day forward, I would forever have a friend by my side. I also remember knowing that I would want to protect you for as long as we both will live. So, this is a letter to you, Sissy, and all the little girls in my life.
I hope that, whatever stage you are at in your life when reading this, you’ll find yourself completely in love with life, and, if you aren’t, I hope that you gain the courage to start over again and find the things and people that will make you fall in love with your life.
Life is not easy. In fact, it gets more complicated the older you get. But that’s what makes life great. In your years to come, you’re going to spend nights crying over boys, you’re going to scream and yell over how hard school keeps getting, you’re going to have arguments with mom and dad, and life will continue to throw you down. However, use all these events to guide you through life.
I’m only 19, but, in these 19 years, I can say that I’ve learned a lot.
Middle school is going to suck. If we’re going to be completely honest, it’ll probably seem like it’s the worst three years of your life. You’re going to try to find yourself while you’re becoming a woman and it just won’t happen. But don’t give up too easily; sooner or later, these three years will be over and you’ll look back and laugh about how miserable you looked and how tragic you felt life was. It’ll make you stronger, trust me.
High school should be the time you find yourself. A lot of people say you find yourself in college but the sooner you start, the better off you’ll be. This is the time when people start changing a lot, and that’s OK, let them. Learn from other’s mistakes and make your own mistakes. Everything you do from this point on will help you in the future (if you let it).
Boys. Boys are going to make you scream, laugh and cry. Some of them will shatter your heart and you’re going to think it’s the end of the world. Some will drive you crazy because you don’t know what they want. Some will come back in the worst times. Some will make you cry tears of joy. Boys will be boys, but remember this: You do not need a boy in your life to feel complete. You are a strong and independent girl, make sure you use this power.
Mom and dad. You’re going to fight with them. But you’re going to laugh with them, too. Chances are that they have your best interest at heart and, if you’re right, they won’t admit it, but you’ll know. Don’t forget about them. Sometimes life gets busy, and they get that, but they want to know how you’re doing. At the end of the day, they’ve known you the longest and they’ve supported you through everything.
Friends come and go. The girl you called your best friend in middle school might not be your best friend in high school. The girl you called your best friend in high school might not be your best friend in college. That is OK. You’re growing and changing and so are your friends. They might even hurt you, but that pain will help you find friends that you’ll fall in love with later on in life.
I hope that you always know how proud I am of you. God has this wonderful plan for you and I only pray that you never forget that. You are one of the greatest people I have ever met and I see the brightest future in you. Remember to always stay elegant and happy. And if you ever feel like the world is knocking you down and all odds are against you, know that I am here.
Much love,
Sissy xoxo