Without a doubt my favorite author/ hero is Rick Riordan because he continues to just crank out book after book that continue to inspire a generation. I have read his books from the very beginning and I think it is high time that I write a letter to my hero.
Dear Rick Riordan,
Thank you for being unapologetically you, I aspire to be that kind of person. The type of person who just follows their passion and writes about it every day, continuing to create more and more books. I also appreciate that you crank out so many books and on a schedule. You are currently writing two series simultaneously and it just amazes me. You once said in an interview that it is very important to write every day but you have to in order to keep up with the demand of your fans. I strive to write every day but there are times where I forget to or I run out of time but you inspire me to work harder at it. I also appreciate you continuing to come up with more and more series of mythological books. It makes me extremely happy when I get to one, preorder one of your books and then two, it surprises me in the mail. This last book actually surprised me during college finals week and you cannot imagine how happy that made me.
Your books aren't just for children they transcend across generations. College students still read them, adults like my mom read them. There isn't a boundary for who can and cannot read your books. The subject matter you engage in your books makes me smile, you talk about things that everyone needs to read about. There aren't many misunderstood gay half-bloods out there. All joking aside, your books broach things that our society tends to lackadaisically skip over most of the time. Your books have brought together many groups of people who wouldn't normally mix. these books are read by numerous people in my school's Creative Writing and English department as not only a leisure read but as inspiration for their careers and life. Thanks you so much for all you have written and hopefully will continue to write.
One of many fans,