Dearest little Kitten,
I remember the day that you were first just an idea to me. My friend texted me eagerly: "HEYY WOULD YOU WANT A KITTEN?" I thought it was a theoretical question, so I replied, "Yeah of course!"
Soon, I received a picture of you and your little fuzzy siblings!
Soon it all became real. I was getting a kitten! I have always wanted a kitten. I had a cat since I was born, and I missed out on her "fun" kitten years. I couldn't wait to see you grow up! To play with you! To train you and be your best friend!
Soon the day came and you and your sister arrived at my apartment. I remember taking you out of the box, you travelled a long way with your siblings in a car to arrive at my doorstep.
I remember the first time holding you. The first time I let you sleep on my bed that first day! I was so excited that when I went out to dinner, I couldn't leave you behind and you fit perfectly into my purse when we went out to dinner.
You are super cute and when you were very small, you used to love to climb on to my shoulders. Now you are a little bigger, but you still love to try to sit on my shoulders. You are like my little tiny parrot kitten.
I love it when you sit with me when I play the ukulele.
I think that is funny that you love the shower and that you like the play peek-a-boo while I was washing my hair.
It is so nice to look back on all of these fun times. However, you are a huge handful!! Remember when you shredded all of my toilet paper, and tipped over the trash and spread every piece all over my bathroom? Remember when you shredded a cardboard box, when you shredded my poster, when you shredded my homework? You once demolished a muffin, ate the top half of a cinnamon roll, and tried to steal a slice of pizza that was larger than you. You are so mischievous!
I'm so glad to have you in my life regardless of your shenanigans, and how you wake me up by gnawing on my feet. I definitely would not recommend getting a kitten, or a dog to anyone in college unless you are sure you can handle it.
Thanks for being my cuddle buddy, and my studying partner,
Much love from you Mawmmm,