Thank you,
Thank you for being my best friend. While people always come and go, you never leave my side. You stick with me no matter how annoying I am. You always give me unconditional love no matter what.
Thank you for being my best friend. When I am sad I come to you, you are my shoulder to cry on. You always know when something's wrong and always know how to bring a smile to my face. No matter how many tears I shed, soaking your fur, you always make what is wrong better. Remember when my one boyfriend broke up with me? The first place I went was to see you. You will never judge me for something that I do wrong or that I say. You are how I relax and forget my problems.
Thank you for being my best friend and making me laugh. I have to hide my hoodie strings from you because I know you will pull on them. I have many string-less sweatshirts because of you. It's okay, though, they aren't ruined, you just altered them a little. Oh, and you love hats too. I always wonder why when I bend over I suddenly feel a breeze on my head. You love attention and you love to play. If I don't pay attention to you, you yawn at me like I'm boring you. Sometimes I believe you think that you're a real person... uh-oh. You are goofy, but that's way better than boring...which you apparently think I am.
Thank you for being my best friend. You are the wings that I lack. Without you, I would not be able to fly. We work together as a team, mold to each other like one body. You listen to what I ask of you and you always try so hard. I have never had nor ridden another horse with as much heart as you have. You give it your all, and that is all I could ever ask for.
Thank you for being my best friend and putting up with me. You are a 1,500-pound animal with a mind of your own. You could try and rear, buck me off or roll on me but you don't. You put trust in me that I won't hurt you and I in you.
Some of you may not understand this letter if you do not have horses or ride. The connection between a horse and rider is strong and unbreakable. Most people tend to forget how fast a horse could kill you if they wanted to. Every time you are around your horse, say thank you. They put up with you every time you get on, and they don't have to. Not only do they do this but they give you unconditional love and are so forgiving. When you get on your horses back, you become one being. You have to work as a team. This connection is something every rider should understand, and it's so important.