Dear Their College Friends,
Consider yourselves lucky. You get to spend the majority of the next four years with one of my best friends. You get to take my best friends through the next stage of our lives. You get to learn their likes and dislikes. You learn what will calm them down and what will rile them up. You will learn about all the heartaches and happy times I was there for. It is sad knowing there will be things I will miss and you will not but I am excited for you. They chose you guys to basically be the new group and I know you must be a great person because my friends are great judges of character. So I do not mind passing the torch on to you as one of their best friend.
I spent the majority of my life with them. They were there through the awkward middle school years and we held hands on our graduation day. They played alongside me on sports teams and cheered with me on the sidelines. We were together through hard times when they would dry my tears and hold my hand when things were scary. They also made my happiest days just a little happier by having to dry my tears from laughing so hard at everything and nothing.
I spent countless hours driving around with them doing nonsense, playing old songs and just being happy. You get to experience this now and you will love it. They will constantly play that song they know you hate and you will laugh through it every time because of the silly dance moves that they made to it. They also have the best fashion advice. They will make sure you look really good tonight or whenever you guys go out. They will also never leave your side no matter what either. They are the loyalest people I know and they will never make you feel alone or unwanted. They will hate everyone who does you wrong and you will be grateful to have them on your side. I can promise you that.
They will annoy you and get on your very last nerve. They will spoil every ,and I mean every, tv show series plot twist and movie you watch on you. They will sometimes make you so mad that you will want nothing more than to give them a good punch to the gut. However, I have seen them all mad and its nothing that a little ice cream trip and some girl time will not fix. They, for the most part, can be very laid back and they will talk to you when they are hurt by you trust me. They also sometimes bottle things up when they get upset. Do not take offense to this they will tell you when they are ready.
And yes, I also have new best friends as well, as well as my own college stuff going on so I will not be around that much. But these girls will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I have to trust you now to take care of them. Even though we are all spread out now, it does not mean I have replaced them in my life. They were there for me throughout all of my life and even though it is strange letting them move on, I cannot wait to watch them grow and succeed. They are my “persons”. They're the people I call when I have no where else to turn and they accept me with open arms. So kudos to you because you found an amazing person to have in your group. Keep them close and never let them go.
Good Luck (you'll need it!)
Their High School Friend