I consider myself a very lucky girl, I was blessed with chance to grow up with both sets of my grandparents just a few miles down the road. My childhood house sat in the middle, you turn left or right going out of my driveway and drive down the blacktop road a few miles both ways and there my grandparents’ houses sat. I was smack down right in the middle of a lot of love and happiness.
I lost both my grandpa’s at different ages in my life. Each passing I remember like it happened just yesterday. I was 6 years old when I lost my Grandpa Hummel, my mom’s dad. Though I know he and I had a lot of memories together I was so young that I don’t remember them all, so I hold onto the one memory I have of us. I was sitting on the couch next to my Grandpa watching these cars go around a track. My Grandpa was doing his best to explain that we are watching the NASCAR race. I lost my Grandpa Terstriep, my dad’s dad, when I was 18 years old. I had more time with him and more memories were made together. Like the times when I was little and he would sit on the floor in the living and let me do his hair. Losing them both was still very hard, no matter how old I was or how many memories I shared with them.
The women married to these two great men mean more to me than words could ever describe. My Grandma’s are my biggest heroes. They are like the glue to the family, they pull their families together when things get rough, they are there to support each one of us during the best and worst times of our lives. These two women show me every day through example what it means to show love, be strong and hardworking.
I want to thank both of them for all the life lessons I learned growing up and all the lessons that I still have to learn. I know I don’t get a chance to call a lot, but always know I think of you both all the time. Thank you for supporting me in all that I have done and I know you will be there to support me in all that I will do. I have learned from you both how to be strong when life shakes you, but also how to reach out when you need a lending hand to hold you up. I have seen the love in your eyes when you talk about the men you loved and lost and I have learned to believe in myself through the words you have spoken to me. You've been there to dry my tears when I got the scuffed up knees, went through my first heartbreak and when I got scared to leave for college the first year. You've been there for my accomplishments and the pivotal moments in my life that have made me who I am. You have pushed me to be the best that I can be in all that I do and have supported my dreams even when I started to doubt them.
I am so honored to be called your granddaughter and always remember that not a day goes by that I don’t think about you both and all that you have done for me. You two are truly amazing women and I am so blessed to have you in my life.