The Netflix Original "Gilmore Girls: A Year in The Life" is about to premier and safe to say my Stars Hallow heart is bursting with pure joy. I not only grew up watching super hero single mom Lorelai raise her sarcastic, literature loving, all around perfect daughter Rory; I got to live out my own version of "Gilmore Girls".
If you watch the show you know it centers around the best friend mother daughter relationship. Lorelai is a single mom who not only raised her daughter but built a successful life for the both of them, on top of the most epic friendship of all time.
If you want to learn more about Rory and Lorelai’s amazing relationship I suggest you binge watch Gilmore Girls over the coming holiday season; but for next few hundred words, which isn’t nearly enough, let me tell you about my Lorelai.
It’s been 20 years, 20 years since you brought me into this world, and man am I glad you did.
20 years of ups and downs, 20 years filled with laughter and our fair share of tears.
We’ve been adventuring for as long as I can remember, from the lines of Disneyland to the lines of every single Harry Potter midnight premier. You taught me to believe in magic and showed me that it was in every piece of the world. You were the beginning of my coffee addiction, even though the only coffee in my little flower cup from my teacup set was 99% milk. You’re the only one I’d want to stay up with till 5 in the morning watch all The Lord of the Rings because we honestly had no idea it would be THAT good.
You’re my mother, the famous Mama Martha, but you’re also my best friend. When it comes to you I’ve met my match in stubbornness and I’ve learned that the world demands strength. I’ve learned that it’s as much okay to cry as it is to scream in a pillow, or even punch it. You taught me to be a fighter and a lover, who ever thought the two could go together? We’ve fought hard but we’ve laughed even harder. When the world comes crashing down, you’re the one I go home to. When the day is filled with joyful moments you’re the one I call. When God gripped my heart you’re the one I shared my joy with, who loved me every step of the way. Our journey has been long, and at times hard, but where it’s led is a place I wouldn’t give up for the world.
You taught me to believe in love, and that it’s okay to give second chances because life is too short.
When asked who my hero is, who inspires me, the answer is always you. I can only hope to be half the woman you are, half the mother you are.
So thank you mom, for being the Lorelai to my Rory, for laughing with me, crying with me, dancing with me, growing with me and loving me.
You’re my mom, my best friend, my person.
I love you more.