A Letter To My Future 'Little Girl' | The Odyssey Online
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A Letter To My Future 'Little Girl'

My mini me, but better.

A Letter To My Future 'Little Girl'

If you’re reading this, it means you found that box tucked away in the corner. It means I've grown up and so have you. It means it’s time for you to experience all this world has to offer -- the good, the bad, the fun, the fabulous and the ugly.

I want you to know that I love you. I have always loved you. And I will love you always, more than you will ever know. I have dreamed of you my entire life.

I want you to know how beautiful you are, inside and out. And I'm not just saying you’re beautiful because I'm your mom; I'm saying it because it’s so incredibly true. I want you to fall in love with yourself, with every one of your perfectly beautiful flaws. Be proud of the woman you are and hope to become, because I certainly am.

I want you to know that your first heartbreak will be awful, but we’ve all been there. Some boys are stupid, but there are good ones out there. You will fall for the bad one, for the sweet one, for the one who breaks your heart, for the cheating one -- but then you will fall for "the one." He will be the one who makes all the other heartbreaks worth it.

I want you to respect yourself. Respect yourself whether it’s in the way you dress, when you’re sitting in class, when you’re dancing at parties or when you’re sitting alone. I may not like the "showing too much skin" dress or the drunk college tattoo, but that doesn’t mean I will ever stop supporting you. I'll support you through the heartbreaks and breakdowns, through every failed test and every little success. I'll never stop telling you to chase your dreams. Because you only have one life to live, I hope you remember to take full advantage of it.

I want you to never settle for anyone or anything. Work hard in everything you do, because nothing worth having comes easy. You’re going to endure some hard times. But know that, after rock bottom, there’s only one place to go: up.

I want you to remember that family always comes first. The fights with your siblings will seem insignificant in a few years. You will thank your father and I one day for the grounded Friday night or for the 100 missed calls; they come from a place of love. Know that we will be there through the good times and the bad. We will pick up the broken pieces and glue you back together no matter how many times it takes. We will be the ones sitting front row at your dance recital, cheering at your softball game and clapping the loudest as you walk for graduation.

I want you to know that I believe in you, that the bad grade doesn’t define your potential and that your imperfections aren’t failures. Know that saying no sometimes doesn’t make you weak. And know that I will never expect you to be perfect.

I want you to value your friendships, to hold your girlfriends close, because they will be the ones to wipe away your mascara stains and dance with you at 2 a.m. and eat ice cream for breakfast with you. Know that some friends may come and go, but with time you will find the forever ones.

I want you to be who you want to be; not who you think you should. I want you to never doubt what you deserve, to never let your happiness be dictated by another human being. As you grow, you experience all that life has to offer. I hope that you make mistakes and learn from them. I hope you discover your passions, stand up for what you believe in and do what makes you happy.

I want you to know that, as much as I will always want you to do it my way, I know that that’s impossible and, quite frankly, unfair. We may argue, fight and disagree, and there will be days you think you hate me. You may not understand every decision I make, but I want you to know that everything I do is because I want you to become better than me in every way. You will do many things to drive me crazy, just as I’ve done to my mom. But never question my love for you.

I want you to live every day like there is no tomorrow, to step outside your comfort zone. Make every moment count, because you never know if it will be the last.

I want you to jump at every chance and never say no to a new opportunity. Follow your dreams, no matter how crazy they may be, and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Never make decisions based on fear, because you, my darling, are capable of being extraordinary.

I know you want to grow up, but trust me, it goes by faster than you think. Enjoy being a kid, because one day you will wish you could go back. I promise to help you in whatever way I can. But know that I want you to fall, so that you realize how magical it is to stand back up.

I want you to remember that life is short, so take the risk. Say I love you. Go on vacation. Eat the cake.

I want you to realize that your worth is not measured by the grade on your exam, by the friend who lied or the college that rejected you. I will be with you through all the insecurities, all the heartbreaks, all the unforgettable memories. People will come and go throughout your life, but I will always be your number one fan, your biggest supporter, your closest confidant, your soulmate.

I hope you know you’ve made my existence so much better than I could ever have imagined. I will be your best friend, just as my mom has always been mine.

But most importantly, I want you to know that you will be loved, forever and always, little girl.

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