To my future children,
My only wish is that you are successful with everything you do in life. Though more importantly, I hope you achieve this success regardless of the color of your skin, your gender, or you sexual orientation. My biggest fear is to see you treated unfairly because you're a little different than other people. I know, in my heart, that your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful and amazing. However, sometimes the world doesn't see things the way I do.
I hope that you don't ever have to live in a world where a black man is looked at differently in the eyes of people because his skin is a little darker than that of a white man. I hope that you never have to wake up to headlines on the news saying that 49 people were shot to death because they loved differently than others do. I hope that people aren't automatically assumed to be terrorists because of their religion. I hope that when you're growing up, people know that not all Mexicans are immigrants because even though my last name is Hispanic, I am just as American as the next person.
I don't want you to ever second guess moving to a different part of the country because you're scared of how people will treat you for being a minority. Although I don't know you yet, I hope that if you are a girl, you don't fear being alone in avoidance of men who have no respect for women. In general, I don't want you to ever be scared for your safety. When you're growing up, I want you to be able to be yourself without worrying what others think of you.
My promise to you is that I will work as hard as I can to change the eyes of others. I know it may seem like a job too big for one person, but I believe that spreading love to others can make a difference. I want you to see a world much better than the one I grew up in; one where people, regardless of any trait that makes them different, are treated just and equal.
To all who are reading this letter, I hope that you are not oblivious to the fact that our country needs more love in it. Regardless of who you are, I think we can all agree that it is heartbreaking to turn on the news to see more headlines of mass shootings and violence. That's not a world we should want our children to live in. We can do so much by just being kinder to others and spreading positivity. A few nice words can go a very long way.
My hope for all of you is that you raise your children to see others as equals and teach them to be loving of others and their quirks. Remember, nobody is born discriminatory or racist.