To the Class of 2016: you're almost there. In just a few weeks, you'll be moving your tassel from right to left and a whole new adventure will start. Whether that adventure be college, the work force, or the Armed Forces, it's coming up quickly. Trust me, while it feels like it's taking ages and senioritis is worse than ever, it will all be over in the blink of an eye.
I want you to take a moment and reflect on everything that's happened in high school. Realize how much you've learned and who your real friends are. Once you graduate, you may not see or hear from them much (sorry, this definitely applies to me as well), but know that they're still there for you if you need them, because you definitely will need them. There will be times when you just can't talk about what you need to with your non-high school friends because they just won't understand. Don't let the great memories and inside jokes die once you get your diploma.
Wherever you end up after graduation, make the best of it. If you go to college, study something you love at the place you love; don't listen to people who tell you to pick a certain major because of job security or future wages, because you should do what you enjoy with your future. You'll know when you found the right school, you just get a feeling. This feeling is similar when you finally find what you should be majoring in (many people change their minds and majors- which is totally normal and okay!) If you're not going to college (which is also perfectly acceptable), do something you love if you're able to. If you can, travel to somewhere new, even for just a quick trip, because traveling is a wonderful experience and worth it completely. If you do plan on eventually going to college, don't listen to the people who tell you gap years never work and you'll never end up going. Gap years absolutely work as long as you never lose sight of what you want to accomplish.
The most important message I can pass on to the high schoolers about to graduate is to stay true to yourself. Never change who you are to fit in or to do something just because you feel pressured to. Obviously, change can be a good thing, but change because YOU want to, not because you think you should or that you feel obligated to. There are so many opportunities out there to continue doing the things that you love, whether it be a club at a school or joining the church choir. You can do anything you set your mind to.
You did it, congratulations! You made it through high school. Don't worry if they weren't the best years of your life, because they definitely weren't for me. In a way, you don't want them to be the best- make the rest of your life something to look forward to!
(A friend from) The Class of 2015