It's crazy how much can change in a year. Around this time last year, the only thing on my mind was graduating high school and how I excited I was. It's so funny because there probably was some problem that I was worried about, but, a year later and I can't think of a single problem.
I just remember the excitement I had when I walked across the stage and received my high school diploma. I remember that prom had just happened and I was running out of "lasts" on my list before it would be my last day of high school. Fast forward to where I am now, writing this article, reflecting on my freshman year of college. It happened in the blink of an eye.
I've jumped from a list of lasts to a list of firsts.
There's so much that has changed since the beginning of the school year. I'm not the same scared girl that moved in. I know longer wonder if I can handle the weight of college or question if I will make any friends. I know that I can do this, and I know that I will make friends. I still have my moments of doubt, but I've gained more confidence in everything I do, whether it be academically or personally. I put 110 percent in ( even if I did procrastinate a little) and sleep good, knowing that I tried my absolutely best.
I survived freshman year because of my friends. People aren't joking when they say that the people you meet in college are your lifetime friends. The friends I met during my freshman year of college are the people that I ate lunch and dinner with. The people I went on adventures with. The people I joked around with.
It goes much further than that, every person I've had an encounter has impacted me. Whether it be the simple conversations I've had with strangers on the elevators or the friends I hung out with once simply because we were still trying to find our place and our friends. Even the friends that drifted away.
With all this being said, I will always remember my freshman year of college. I will always remember the late night chats and the sleepless nights. I will always remember the heated rants and endless howls of how hungry we all were. I will always remember the last minute trips. I will always remember the laughs and frustrations. I will always remember some amazing teachers. I will remember the not so amazing teachers. I will always remember the smoky clouds whenever it had just rained. I will remember mediocre cafeteria food. I will always remember moving in and moving out. I will always remember.
These are memories that will stay with me forever. Another milestone achieved, and on to the next.
Some words for sophomore year: Bring it.