Letter To My First College Friends | The Odyssey Online
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Letter To My First College Friends

Freshman year of college is a huge adjustment, but finding some good friends makes it that much easier.

Letter To My First College Friends
Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

Dear friends,

All I can say is thank you. I came into college thinking that my friends from home were the only people I was ever going to be super close with. I knew I would make friends, of course, but my friends from home have been with me from the start, and it seemed crazy to me that anyone could know me as well as the people I went through everything with…even my awkward stage.

With that being said, although I have only known you all for about eight months, I can truly call you guys my best friends. We may not have been through the nitty gritty together, but we all practically live with each other. Whether that means actually sharing a room, or just spending majority of the day together, we are constantly on top of each other.

This completely expedites the best friend process and flips the switch from 0 to 100… real quick. Not only have you seen me when I am happy and joking around, but you have had no choice but to be there for me when I am in a miserable mood and have maybe even taken it out on each one of you. We have seen all the different sides of each other and remain friends regardless.

At school, there is nowhere to hide, so everything is out in the open. This makes it hard to hide feelings and emotions and, as odd as it sounds, I am really thankful for this, even though I thought I would miss the privacy of having my own room.

I am sorry if I have snapped at you for no reason or have taken your last piece of gum without asking. Although it has not been that long, I am now completely comfortable with you and expect you to be the same. I know I may not always be the easiest person to deal with, but I will always be there for each and every single one of you, from the very beginning to the very end. I will be here to listen and here to give you advice. I will be here to help you through the mean boys and here to celebrate the good ones. To make it quick, I will be there for the tears… the good AND the bad.

Thank you for the constant dance parties, movie, and off-tune karaoke during the wee hours of the night when nobody is tired. I have never laugh as hard as I have with you guys. I know we may not always do all the same things, but thank you for including me in the recap and never making me feel left out. Thank you for the constant drop-ins to my room to see if I want to come get food with you or if I want anything from the store. Thank you for never making me feel like an outsider, even when I am technically on the outs sometimes. Thank you for giving me a chance and allowing me to be your friend, you guys have given me a new home and I am forever thankful for that.

Thank you for all the memories and the laughs, you guys made the homesickness hurt a little less, and the move-out hurt a lot more. I guess what they say is true, time really does fly when you are having fun.

I hope to see you all soon,

Your Friend

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