To my daughter,
I am so blessed to have you. From the first day I found out that I was pregnant I felt like I could never measure up to all you needed. I wanted you to have a childhood that you didn't have to recover from. I went above and beyond to learn everything I could to make this the smoothest transition from womb to world.
I knew you first. I learned your schedule from the inside, I felt the kicks and the hiccups. I sang you lullabies and dreamed about how beautiful you'd be — And you know what? You beat every one of my expectation. The day you were born time stopped. All I could focus on were those big eyes, long hair and slender fingers. Your body was untouched by the earth and it was the most breathtaking moment I've ever felt. From head to toe you were perfect and still are.
I changed a million diapers, I cleaned up throw up and messes that you knew better than to make. I have sacrificed my wants for yours. I have pulled you out of your crib late into the night just to hold you. Spoiling a baby isn't a thing. I would do the sleepless nights all over. I would change a million more diapers, watch Tinkerbell on repeat even though I already know every word. I would do the stress and cries and stressful-crying all over for you. We aren't done with those yet, and I know that, but I'm not going anywhere. Just a reminder for those rough days.
Now you're almost three years old. I have watched you grow and stumble. You are the most empathetic human I have ever met; You are kind and gentle when someone is upset, and you hold a person's face in your hands and tell them to take a breath. You give compliments and greet with a smile. You put so much trust into this vast world of strangers and even though part of that scares me, I wish more people were like you.
You remember the names of people at the grocery store, you tell stories with such detail for such a tiny being. You don't hold back when you laugh, you haven't let one person make you feel insecure and I hope that stays consistent. I hope you always sing loud and proud, dance and make up the words. I hope the honesty stays intact (except for the part where you announce to the entire eastern shore that you pooped or picked your nose in public). You are well-mannered ,even despite my previous example, and respectful. You are so intelligent I feel like I am water and you are a sponge- soaking up all my knowledge. I am so proud of you baby girl. Keep that drive and motivation because others kill for that.
When you start your first extracurricular activity, whether it be soccer or karate or dance I will be so embarrassing standing on the sidelines yelling your name because I want everyone to know how blessed I am with you. You will be a great friend to those who you choose to surround yourself with. You will learn even more about people and art and the world than you have before. You will accept those who have different backgrounds from your own because momma taught you to love everyone. I will always be waiting for you to get out of school and I'll write notes on your napkin in your lunchbox so you know I'm thinking of you.
When you're 12, not yet a teen, but no longer considered a child I hope you never forget what a gift you are. You are so immaculate, gorgeous from the inside out. Your body was made from scratch so please take care of it. I have been where you are. When you don't understand why the answer is "No," just know I'm not trying to ruin your life. Even on the days you say you hate me I'll still love you anyway.
When you waltz into the new world that is high school i need you to remember that there are more important things than the boy or girl who grabs your attention. If they love you they'll wait. Use your brain first, it is packed with such valuable information. Don't forget that your family is your greatest asset. We will always support you in what makes you happy. You are important and valued and your opinions matter. Your voice holds power so use it because no one is better than you, but you are also not better than anyone else.
Whether you are 2 years old, 22 or 102 I'll always be here to help you even if it's not something I have done myself. You will never have to wonder if you are safe or if you have what you need. I will protect you, whatever that takes I will not let anyone hurt you and if they do, well baby, stand back because momma got it. When things don't work out we will make a plan B. We will go through this life together and even though I may not always be your friend, I will be always be your momma.
You are loved. you are supported. You are the first one to show me what being a mom is all about and God bless you for that. Hope the world is ready for you, my girl, because you're coming after it.