Dear Class,
Today marks the start of a brand new adventure for you and for me. I could not be more excited to be here with you. If I am going to be honest with you, I am terrified. I am scared that I will make mistakes, teach you the wrong lesson one day, say the wrong thing or that you just may not get what I am trying to explain. There are going to be days where I did not get much sleep the night before because I was worried about a lesson or was making something cool to show off for you. There are going to be times where I may be sad or not feel my best. I am terrified that I may not live up to the example that so many other wonderful teachers have set forth for me. I am not perfect and I never will be, but I will give all that I can to be as perfect as I can possibly be for you. You are my class and that means the world to me.
I know that all of you in this room have potential. I know that every single one of you will have a bright future. You can do whatever you set your mind to if you believe in yourself. In this room there are future doctors, lawyers, musicians, artists, athletes and teachers. You are going to be the ones that make a difference in the world. You can find a cure for cancer, you can solve the world's most challenging crimes, you can play symphonies at concert halls, you can paint murals that change the image of cities, you can make it to the Olympics one day and you can stand in front of a classroom and share this same message that I am giving to you right now.
I will do whatever I can as your teacher to help you achieve every small dream that you have. I will encourage you to work your hardest within and outside the classroom and help you when you are struggling. I will cheer you on during all of your triumphs and I will always be there for you when you need help. If you ever need someone to talk to, I will always be here. I vow to give you my all and more every day in this classroom.
I can do all of this for you, but at the end of the day it is up to you. Your success does not depend on other people or your parents. Your success is up to you. If you give it your all, everyday, I will always be proud of you. You can decide how much effort you are willing to put in and what you want your grades to be. Never let your personality, your body, your mind, a disability or anything else keep you from doing your best. Your best is up to you and no one else.
Let's have a year filled with excitement, fun, and learning. We will explore new topics, work with our hands to create projects, and challenge our minds to think outside of the box. You will become leaders in my classroom that will take on the world someday.
Dream big, little ones. Your future is calling your name.
Love Always,
Miss Bauer