To my big,
Becoming a member of a sorority is wonderful in different ways, but I will not lie, it can also be stressful. During recruitment, you meet so many new people and through it all, I was personally terrified of being judged. After all, recruitment is pretty much speed dating with 30 different girls. However, I was lucky enough to have found a home within the walls of Alpha Gamma Delta.
To be entirely honest, I had no idea who you were on the night of big little reveal. That is probably my fault because I did not spend very much time at the house first semester. I was caught up in the friends I had made outside of the house. You ended up being there for me more than anyone else when all of those friendships went up in flames, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
Aubree Pond
We started spending more and more time together and somewhere along the way you became one of the most important people in my life. I have no idea where I would be without you. From forcing me to study because we have nothing better to do to watching endless cheesy Netflix Christmas shows, you are always there for me. You encourage me to be a better person, but never judge me for my mistakes. You laugh with me when I have had a bad day, and you are always willing to binge watch criminal minds with me. You help me to break out of my comfort zone and you are always willing to share your futon with me.
I'm not sure what was going through your head when I unwrapped you during reveal, and to be honest I don't even know what was going through my head either, but I am so happy it was you under all of that wrapping paper. Not only did I get a wonderful big, but I joined a crazy, beautiful, completely un-photogenic family that day and I will forever hold you all dear in my heart. People always say those on the outside cannot understand, and those on the inside cannot explain why being in a sorority is so special, but you are one of the many reasons why my sorority experience has been so special so far, and I cannot wait to see what else is in store.
Aubree Pond
So, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being there during hard times. Thank you for the coffee dates. Thank you for the lazy movie days. Thank you for our matching hedgehogs. Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for all of the crazy stories. Thank you for letting me crash in your room when I am too lazy to walk the five minutes back to my dorm. Thank you for listening to my ranting when I've had a bad day. Thank you for some of the best memories I have. And finally, thank you for being my big.